You better "hope" I'm right...

Copper Round....jpg

Because "if" I'm wrong, we're all totally screwed...

The Path I've been writing about, will lead us to Prosperity...

The Path the Banksters want us to take will lead to Slavery...

I'm sure anyone who happens to be holding some Common U.S. Coinage at the time of the Reset, are going to be very surprised...

Because of all the Fine Tuning I've been able to do has put me in a fantastic position...

I don't think most people actually read or believe what I write, and that's a shame...

If anyone is able to come up with a better Path for us to take, I sure would be interested in reading about it...

I think I came up with a pretty simple Monetary Fix, "in my opinion"...

We already have Mountains of Common Coinage, and we have lot of experience, Minting Silver and Gold Coins...

Paper and Electronic Coinage should be a Big Hit, all over the World...

I like Paper Coinage for Tipping Purposes...

Paper Tips look so much better than leaving a Few Cents on the

Of course, that won't be a problem for those who pay, using Electronic Coinage...

I personally like paying in Cash, so Paper Coinage will be perfect for me...

Carrying One Hundred Paper Cents in my Wallet today, will be like carrying 100 Paper Dollars in my Wallet, on the other side of the Reset...

Our Paper Coinage may look very similar to the Paper Collars we've been using...

The only difference is that they will be denominated in Cents, rather than Dollars...

There will be a 100 to 1 Exchange Rate for anyone turning in their Paper Dollars...

And no, there will be no loss in Spending Power, because of the 100 to 1 Exchange Rate...

Here are 10 of my latest Blogs, about what's heading our way...

The more I look at this Rock, the more excited I become...

Inflation will soon End...

More "Fine Tuning" revealed...

How many Examples must I Write...???

Pennies from Heaven...

Who's impressed with my Blogs...???

I'm not an AI Bot, I'm a Man...

Our Mistakes "can be" Corrected...

The Resurrection of Debt Free Money...

Another Blank Page to Fill with my words...

The way I write, you should begin to see what I see...

I'll try to keep my latest 10 posts here, to make them easy to find...

So, exactly why do I think I found the Best Monetary Path to take...???

I tend to think, paying off the National Debt, including the interest, would be awesome...

Eliminating Federal Income Tax would also be awesome...

Getting rid of inflation would be awesome...

Turning $5 in Quarter Dollars into a One Ounce $100 Gold Coin would be awesome...

Having our Common U.S. Coinage experience a 100 Fold increase in "Spending Power" would be awesome...

The Special Deals the U.S. Treasury will be awesome...

Minting and Shipping "Staggering" amounts of Silver and Gold Coins, all over the World will be awesome...

Can any of you think of anything else that would be awesome...???

Can any of you think of anything about CBDC's, that will be awesome...???

What the BRICS came up with comes close to what I came up with, but their big mistake will be backing their Currencies with a Basket of Commodities instead of Silver and Gold Coins...

Coins, turn Silver and Gold into "Monetary Tools" that remain "Stable"...

That won't happen if Currencies are backed by Commodities...

Remember that Commodities tend to Fluctuate in Value...

2011 Buffalo Tails....jpg

How else did you think we were going to "Make Americans Great Again"...???

Feel free to let me know what you think...

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