How many Examples must I Write...???

It's like pulling Teeth for me to get a Reply out of most of you...

You either "agree" with what I write, or you "don't agree" with what I write...

Those are two simple replies, you can feel free to use, after reading my Blogs...

I'm hoping you've read at least 10 of my Blogs for a clear understanding of my "Fine Tuned" version of what I see heading our way, and how I think I'll be able to profit from what I see...

It should be pretty obvious to everyone that Fiat Currencies all over the World will be coming to an end, in the Very Near Future...

On the "other side" of the Redemption Period, "Physical" Fiat USD's will lose any and all Legal Tender Status...

You'll still be able to turn them in, but you won't be able to use them as Legal Tender...

It will be the responsibility of the Banks if your Accounts are Denominated in Digital Fiat USD's...

Insured Bank Accounts will receive "up to" $2,500 in U.S. Electronic Coinage...

Keep in mind that $2,500 in Electronic Coinage can be used to obtain 25 of our One Ounce, $100 "Circulating" Gold Coins...

The 25 Gold Coins will have the Spending Power of 250,000 of today's Fiat USD's...

The United States will not Default on its Debt...

Fiat USD's will be the safest "Physical" Fiat Currency to be "holding" at the time of the Announcements...

Turn in a Five Dollar "Bill" and get back a Five Cent U.S. Coin...


Each Stack has 20 Nickels, or $1 in Five Cent U.S. Coins...

Can you imagine each Nickel having the Spending Power of 5 of today's Fiat USD's...???

Each Stack will have the Spending Power of 100 of today's Fiat USD's...

If I'm correct about the Reset, these 7 Stacks of Nickels, will have the Spending Power of 700 of today's Fiat USD's...

Two Stacks of Nickels will get me a "Circulating" 1/5 ounce, $2 U.S. Silver Coin...

A 1/5 ounce, $2 Silver Coin will have the Spending Power of 200 of today's Fiat USD's...

This is all due to the 100 to 1 Exchange Rate with "no loss" in Spending Power...

Keep in mind that Debt will not be forgiven, it will only be Reset at the same 100 to 1 Exchange Rate...

This should make for a Smooth Transition, since one persons Debt is another persons Asset...

Wages, Tips and other Compensation will also be Reset...

The Spending Power of our Common U.S. Coinage will need to increase 100 Fold in "Spending Power" in order to "make change" for our New Product Line of "Circulating" Silver and Gold Coins...

Could you imagine, what a person could do, knowing this type of information in advance...???

I'm sure you all know, what I've been doing to prepare...

I normally, Spend Paper Dollars, so that I always get some Common U.S. Coinage back with the rest of my change...

I have 4 plastic cups I drop my change in...

One for Pennies, one for Nickels, one for Dimes and one for Quarters...

It's very rare that I ever get any Half Dollars or $1 Coins back with my change...

You'd be surprised, how fast all the change adds up, over the course of many years...

I've been writing about it for almost 7 years now, so I should be in pretty good shape, on the other side of the U.S. Monetary Correction...

2011 Buffalo Tails....jpg

How else did you think we were going to "Make Americans Great Again"...???

Let me know what you've been doing to prepare...

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