Will Inflation "really" End...???

2011 Bullalo....jpg

Once our Stable Monetary System is Activated and Announced, inflation as we know it, will come to a very quick end...

The Price of items will continue to Fluctuate in Value, due to Supply and Demand...

To be honest, I've been living my day to day life, as if the U.S. Monetary Correction was already in use...

I just Divide the Cost of Everything by 100 to see what looks like a bargain...

I had to experience what I was writing about, so I could figure it all out...

Because of what (I think) I know, much of what I've been buying, has been either free or obtained with small or huge discounts...

The Gasoline I put in my Car is "always" free because I make a special point in getting back 50 Cents in Change...

Knowing that Common U.S. Coinage will increase 100 Fold in Spending Power has given me a huge advantage over those who can't see what I see coming...

Here are 10 of my latest Blogs about what's heading our way...

More "Fine Tuning" revealed...

How many Examples must I Write...???

Pennies from Heaven...

Who's impressed with my Blogs...???

I'm not an AI Bot, I'm a Man...

Our Mistakes "can be" Corrected...

The Resurrection of Debt Free Money...

Another Blank Page to Fill with my words...

The best is yet to come...

Sunset over the Pacific Ocean...

The way I write, you should begin to see what I see...

I'll try to keep my latest 10 posts here, to make them easy to find...

Moving on...

The U.S. Mints "Product Schedule" shows that these Proof Sets may be ordered, starting on April 23, 2024 for 130 Fiat USD's plus Shipping...

A person can "Subscribe" now, and get Free Postage...


The Dimes, Quarter Dollars and Half Dollars are 99.9% Silver...

I'm expecting our Common Coinage to increase 100 Fold in Spending Power, on the "other side" of the U.S. Monetary Correction...

I also expecting to see Silver Coins doing about 10 times better than our Clad Coinage...

I have good reasons to believe the U.S. Treasury will be offering Special Deals for our Silver and Gold Coins, Bars and Rounds...

No one will be forced to sell, but these Special Deals will be pretty hard to resist...

In some cases, we will get back "more " Silver and Gold than we turn in...

Again, I have good reasons to believe what I write...

I also know for a"Fact" that "We the People" have "Staggering" amounts of Silver and Gold "standing by" to "jump start" our New and improved Monetary System...

I won't go into all the details, because I already have many posts you can research...

2011 Buffalo Tails....jpg

How else did you think we were going to "Make Americans Great Again"...???

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