Our Mistakes "can be" Corrected...

Two Dollar Bill....jpg
With God, all things are possible...

By the way...

God is the meaning of Life...

So, exactly what do I see heading our way...???

We the People are going to take a little trip back in Time and take a closer look at all our Mistakes...

After all, we do have the Power to Correct our Mistakes, right...???

Congress has the Power to Coin Money and Regulate the Value thereof...

Congress is made up of Representatives of "We the People"...

Most people don't realize that our Common U.S. Coinage belongs to "We the People" and we get to use it "interest free"...

The Big Difference this time around, is that our Common U.S. Coinage will remain Stable...

Our Hard Coinage will Range from One Cent to One Hundred Dollars...

Our Paper Coinage will Range from One Cent to One Hundred Cents...

Our Electronic Coinage will be adding 99 Decimal Cents to our Electronic Dollars and Cents...

Our Silver, Gold, Platinum and Palladium "Collector" Coins will also be used to back our Paper, Electronic and Common U.S. Coinage...

We are returning to a Stable Monetary System, backed by Silver, Gold, Platinum and Palladium Coinage...

Our Coinage will become "Stable" Monetary Tools, used to Measure Value...

The Prices of Items will continue to Fluctuate, due to Supply and Demand, but our Monetary System will remain Stable...

No more placing the blame on inflation...

So, how does all this sound so far...???

I'm sure everyone is getting tired of paying higher and higher prices all the time, due to inflation...

I bet you're even tired of paying "Rental Fees" on the Fiat USD's we've been using...

Guess how we'll be paying off the National Debt and interest in Full...???

No, we won't be Defaulting on our Debt, so you can put that thought out of your minds...

Believe it or not, We the People have "Staggering" amounts of "Silver and Gold" "Standing By" to "Jump Start" our New Monetary System...

Could you imagine getting in on the "Ground Floor" of "Sound Money"...???

2011 Buffalo Tails....jpg

How else did you think we were going to "Make Americans Great Again"...???

I'm sure I left many of my thoughts out, so feel free to ask questions...

Just remember, there are no Stupid Questions...

I'm constantly asking myself questions...

I guess we forget what it was like in our younger days...


Should I continue, or just stop here and hope I get more questions in the Comment Section...

My Comment Section is actually a Continuation of this Post...

It's always a good idea to return to see how it turned out...

So, feel free...

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1 column