Predators' Embrace (WOTW S5W3 Update)

A child can sometimes cry to announce its arrival into this world. From its birth, it joins its mommy-a mother, wanting and willing to hold a newborn in that warm first embrace. It is the start of a connection maintained by love throughout their lives. Yet, what would happen if it was hatred or an unwillingness to accept responsibility instead of love?

A mother, unwilling to accept her new role, gives the newborn its first glimpse into the coldness of reality. Sometimes, mommy doesn't want you. Sometimes, instead of caring for you, your caregiver instead chooses to deliver you into the embrace of a stranger. Sometimes, that stranger is a monster. Jeopardy surrounds the child, not because of its place in life but because the social systems we employ fail the child miserably.

Horror, loneliness, and isolation
may become the only experiences
a child of innocence experiences.

Image by PublicDomainPictures from Pixabay


Welcome to the Word of the Week, S5W3 Update!!


#POB-WOTW and #VYB-WOTW Current Entries

Image by Wokandapix from Pixabay

The following people listed below are already participating in the contest. Please support and engage with the authors.

Let me know if you have entered an article into the contest and don't see your name on the list:

@scholarisJeopardy in a City of Death (WOTW S5W3)
@repayme4568The Jeopardy He Felt: pob-wotw
@funsheeThe Encounter
@cool08In A State Of Jeopardy - #POB-WOTW
@dwixerjeopardy In Crisis (POB-WOTW S5W2)
@mrenglishJeopardy In A City Of Death / POB-WOTW
@mcluzPob-wotw: jeopardy.
@shemzyJeopardy(POB-WOTW S5W2)
@jesustianoFrom Jeopardy to Happiness [Eng - Spa]
@zyzymenaThe Encounter.
@davidbrightA WORLD APART

Thank you all for participating in this contest!
Hurry now, before the contest ends!
The word for this week is: Jeopardy!


There's Still Time!

Image by Edwin Valencia from Pixabay

There's still time remaining to the week 3 contest!

  • Contest started: 14/3/22 @ 00:00 UTC
  • Contest ends: 28/3/22 @ 00:00 UTC

Please follow the rules outlined in the announcement article to prevent disqualification.


The Psyber X Multiverse

Madness Incarnate

Image by Gerd Altmann from Pixabay

Living on the @psyberx timeline is NOT for the faint of heart. If you haven't taken a look at the @psyberx announcements recently, now is the time! The project is moving forward, and psyberx recently announced special privileges for people who attained the land baron title. A tour of a psyberx world will be available this summer!


Born into Solitude

Image by M P from Pixabay

His mother abandoned him in his earlier years

Kyle Ramirez was born to a troubled mother unable to care for him and his brother. There isn't much I could find about his mom. At some point, Kyle's mom gave custody of him and his brother to a friend of hers known as Carmen Ramirez. There is no known familial relationship between the two.


Predators' Embrace

Image by MRCat from Pixabay

Kyle and his brother were unwanted in Carmen's home. California's Child Protective Services (CPS) would respond numerous times to complaints of child abuse in Ramirez's home. The kids would steal food from others because they would starve at home. And when authorities once jailed Carmen Ramirez for abusing the children, CPS would still allow her contact with them.

CPS, finally doing their job, removed Kyle from the care of Carmen and placed him into foster care. However, Carmen found out where he was and sent her daughter Cristina to fetch him. Cristina convinced Kyle to run away from foster care of how bad foster kids get treated. She told him he would be safe with Carmen.

Being a child, the fear of the unknown versus the fear he already knew drove him to leave. Kyle then met up with Carmen, and they moved to Tracy, California.

With no one to protect him,
Kyle entered into a house of horrors.


Houses of Horrors

Image by Enrique Meseguer from Pixabay

Carmen passed Kyle along to some next-door friends that had two kids. Kyle lived a life of slavery and pain during this time. Carmen and three other adults would torture him, starve him, and leave him to sleep in a fireplace. Kyle could do little more than endure the horror alone, chained, and too weak to fight.

And eventually, the monsters would tire of their sport. One evening, Kyle overheard them talking about chopping up his body and getting rid of the pieces. Once Kyle heard this, he became emboldened enough from the fear of death and escaped.

Starved, beaten, bloody, and with a chain wrapped around his foot, Kyle escaped to a nearby fitness center begging for help.


Refuge Reached (Escaped to the Fitness Center)


In Closing

Image by Gerd Altmann from Pixabay

Thanks to the community for supporting our fellow authors. I look forward to providing more in the future. Thank you for reading and following on throughout my Hive journey.

Welcome to our new and recurring participants in the contest! We look forward to challenging and entertaining you in the future!

If you like this article, please consider upvoting and following @scholaris!

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