Jeopardy(POB-WOTW S5W2)

Again, he heard the cry of a baby in the building that was almost consumed by fire , he thought he had just rescued the last victim only to realize there was still another baby. All the safe stairs leading to the top of the building have been burned into ashes, the fire was just a few meters from where the baby was, anyone who was to go for the rescue had a slight chance of survival. Losing one child out of 5 was fair he thought as he turned back to leave, this time the cry of the baby was louder, his knees became weak, it was a jeopardy on his life to take such a chance but the baby doesn't deserve such crude death, he convinced himself.

"Please don't go inside, we've called for fire extinguishers" a young man about his age said while holding him back. He knew the baby would have been affected before they arrived, it's been 40 minutes since a call was put across to them and yet haven't arrived.

"The child is at risk" he told the man, "they wouldn't arrive anytime soon" he added.

"So is your life in jeopardy, there are no longer safe stairs to the top of the building".

"I'll give it a try".


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He dressed himself with some fireproof clothes and ran into the building. No one believed he do survive it,

"He lost his life and still has not reached the baby" people said in sympathy of him. Smoke filled every space of the building making him choke and cough continually. He held onto such weak wood without putting his full weight on them as he climbed the top of the building. The rooms were smoky, only the persistent cry and coughing of the baby gave him hint to where he should follow. Gradually he started to become weak, choked by the amount of smoke he had inhaled. He battled to climb to the top, but paralyzed by the carbon(IV) oxide he had inhaled. Dizzily he held the baby, but could no longer move, the fire had reached every corner of the building, there was no place to go. His life and that of the child was in jeopardy.

He fell on the floor weakened by the toxic gas, his body lying on the child he had come to rescue. If I don't survive it, the child may think he passed out. He woke up on a hospital bed

"Where am I?" He asked. Relax, the fire team arrived shortly after you entered the building, you are lucky to have survived it. He looked around, as if perceiving the reason why he was gazing at the ward, the doctor replied, "the child also is safe, just a few burns but he will be okay soon".

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