Pob-wotw: jeopardy.

We sometime take some action that are prone to putting us in a way of risk. Sometimes it's in ignorance and most times it is out of negligence.

But for mama mariam it was not ignorance. The safety guidelines on the gas cylinder she have read several times and the constant reminder from her husband the danger of keeping the gas cylinder to the reach of their three years old daughter miriam was becoming more of a warning than a reminder.

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Mama mariam had finished cooking one Saturday morning, and mariam was at home since it was not a school day. The gas cylinder was supposed to be kept back at the constructed iron cage made for the gas cylinder but was kept out.

The jeopardy in keeping a gas cylinder to the reach of children was not new to her, but her negligence could not allow her take precaution. Mariam in her usual way of trying to experiment with any thing or gadgets around her found the gas cylinder as an instrument of playing with. While the mom was busy washing clothes at the back of the house.

Innocent mariam must have wanted to do the things she had seen her mom do, so she turn on the gas cylinder and allow the gas escape into the air. The naive mariam walked to kitchen drawer, pull the drawer open and picked a matches and walked staggeringly to the point where the cylinder was kept. She began trying to light the matches in a room filled with gas ,but had three failed attempt before her dad walked into the room filled the smell of gas and mariam stand there holding a matches box, which he quickly snatched it off her hands.

When you are negligent, you generally put everyone in the part of jeopardy, Mariam's father said to his wife who was at the back of the house washing after narrating the incident to her.

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