
Hello friends, I hope you and your family are all well. My dear friends, I finally got time to write a post for SHARE YOUR BATTLE Weekly Challenge! DAX PARAGON. I had planned to write yesterday but I had to leave for work so I couldn't write the post. But today I have enough time, so I can write and share my thoughts with you. This is my second post this week and I hope you will enjoy it. Today I will tell you about DAX PARAGON card which is truly unique. Dax Paragon card is a life card and it's level 2 and health is level 3, speed is level 2 and attack is level 1. Friends, this card is a magic attack card.I liked one thing about this card very much. Friends, this card is extremely useful in a low-valued wallet. When you see this card, it will seem to you like you have taken a magical ball in your hand. I took this card on rent, because I wanted to get information about this card and make it known to others. If you want to buy the Dax Paragon card, you can get it for $0.8. It is available in 1106 dec, 811 credit.

Amplify - Increases Magic Reflect, Return Fire, and Thorns damage to all enemy monsters by 1.

Affliction - When a Monster with Affliction hits a target, it has a chance of applying Affliction on the target causing it to be unable to be healed.

Today I have to play 30 mana battle and whatever it is, friends, today I have taken the first life summoner, her name is MOTHER KHALA RARE. Friends, the only reason for taking this summoner is that I want to take DAX PARAGON card in my battle, so I have taken Life Summoner. Friends, this summoner is of 3 mana. When you see this summoner, you see it like a witch. Who wants to imprison someone with her magical power. This summoner increases the health of each card by 1+. That's why everyone likes to have this summoner in their battles.

I draw the SHIELDBEARER card first in my battle. I drew the SHIELDBEARER card first in my battle. Friends, this card is of life. Friends, when you see this card, then you will see that this card is standing with a stick in its hand, which has entered the battle. Friends, this card is of 8 mana and health is of 9. And Sealed is 4. And 2 has attack and 2 has speed. Friends, you get a storage card for 9 mana which is a good thing. Friends, my purpose of taking this card is that you have to take such a card in your battle, which keeps more sealed and health. This card gives my other cards more chances to attack.


Then I took the LUMINOUS EAGLE card in my second position. LUMINOUS EAGLE is a life card, friends, when you see this card, you only see an eagle. And it also works like an eagle. Friends, this card is of 6 mana and 5 health, and attack is of 2 and 3 is its speed. Friends, this card attack is also done by being flying. Just friends, you have to keep this card in the last, so that it can attack more. It can kill anyone with its claws.


Then I put the STITCH LEECH COMMON Life card on the third position. This card performs a flying attack. And this card is of 3 mana and health of 3 and attack is 2 and speed is 1. Friends, in my battles, I have only taken cards of low value, because cards of low value are available more. Because of being in excess, they attack the person in front of them more.

Then I have taken the DAX PARAGON card on the 4th position, about which I have written in my first line.

Then I took PELACOR ARBALEST is a life card at position 5, it's 6 mana card, and 2 health card. And Attack is of 2 and Speed is of 2. When you use this card, this card makes a double attack. And its attack gets doubled in this summon. I really like this card. When you look at the PELACOR ARBALEST card, you see this card standing with an arrow in its hand.

In the last I have taken the HERBALIST COMMON card, this card is also worth 2 mana and health is also 2, and attack is 1, and speed is 1.


Friends, I have won this battle very easily. If you like my post then do share and comment.
My Battle Link :-

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