Slowing Down after Moving House

As mentioned in my previous post, I have been in the process of moving house

I did it!
I successfully moved over

and I must say that I am really enjoying my new place.
It sure is an upgrade :<)

With the help of a friend, on Tuesday
and my twin sister, on Wednesday,
I managed to pretty smoothly transition from one place to another.

As a result of all the heavy lifting and probably a bit of unavoidable stress over the move, as well as the ever-changing weather
( it started raining, once again ), I had to slow down, yesterday.

While pruning a grape vine on my new land,
I started to seriously feel my lower back
and I took this as a sign to rest.

While pruning, after having switched from bare foot gardening to boots, because I stepped into an ant's nest and these tiny ants didn't like that, something pretty (awesome) happened...

I heard a loud buzzing and didn't believe my eyes at first.
About a meter away, a hummingbird, no, a hummingbird (hawk-)moth was sucking the nectar from a (grape) flower.
It took me a couple of seconds to realize what I was seeing. I had never seen one before. I later looked it up and I had correctly identified this special creature.

This is what they look like:


Anyhow, after a while, my back started signalling to me
that it was time to take a serious break.
The pretty heavy rain, that basically continued until this morning, also helped with this.

Suffice to say that I basically vegged out on the couch, watched a movie, tried to keep feeding myself (although a cook would have been nice) and spent most of the day indoors, aside from some watering of the plants aka garden-pee-breaks.

I am not that great at granting myself a break, but I am getting better at listening to my body's signals and I believe that I managed to do so, yesterday. And perhaps even more importantly, I was able to enjoy this time off.

Today is another day and I am still trying to take it easy.

Although I walked into town this morning ( now a 30 minute hike, where it used to be 20 minutes, from my previous place ) and walked back the same distance with a backpack filled with groceries.
All in all, a one hour workout. Probably way more than the average person gets in. And, as an added bonus, outdoors.

I also drank a coffee (or two) too many with the friend that helped me moving house and had uma tosta mista. It was worth it though.

This afternoon, I compensated for the excess caffeine by having a good lunch and drinking loads of water.

I also emptied - and cleaned out - the compost toilet ( from my new bathroom ) which was a bit of a shitty job, not recommended for those with a fear of germs but I'm not one of those, otherwise this off-grid life would have sucked haha!

While doing this 'dirty' job, I had to think of you @paradigmprospect and not because you're a shitty person or because you shit post ;<) because you're not and you don't, but because of this series of posts of yours about Humanure: using poo to save the world that I should probably dive into ( not into the poo but into the content haha! )

The view from my new garden

not my house but a tool shed underneath it

the most cosy corner of my tiny but comfy living room.
Did you spot my ukulele?

And here's a picture of the other, more messy side. This was taken just after moving house, as my buddy @selfhelp4trolls asked for visual proof of me having moved over.

I think the picture above was taken yesterday morning,
on the side of my house.

And the following was probably taken this morning,
on my way into the village.

I am gonna end it here, for today.
I still have more resting to do,
as well as re-organizing, cleaning and so on.

Just wanted to let all of you know that I did it
and remind my future self of yet another transition in my life, another upgrade, close(r) to the life that I (would) like to live.

I really wouldn't mind staying here (more than) a bit longer than 4 months and that is an understatement.

Sending love!✨

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