
Covid is a symptom. Covid spelled backwards is Divoc and what the Divoc is going on? A vaccine can be bad if it not custom-designed specifically like a key to fit a specific lock, and that becomes difficult as the locks (viruses, germs, bacteria, etc) mutate. So, one year is a long time to wait for a vaccine. Our body should be able to make antibodies within hours in some cases. A vaccine can be bad if it contains too much Mercury which is like a toxin. It is like poison. Vaccines could be compared to Genetically Modified Organisms (GMOs) in that they can be incomplete and therefore can put the body off balance

COVID is a Symptom
1995 - Hackers - Featuring Blue Lips Angelina Jolie

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2020-04-05 - Sunday

Oatmeal Daily - 2020-04-05 - Sunday

Philosophy Dinosaur COVID-19 is a symptom, not a cause. Let's ignore that root, let's just attack the messenger.png
Visual Venture

By Oatmeal Joey Arnold

Join My Community | @OatmealJoey | @OatmealEnglish | @OatmealHealth | @JoeyArnoldVN | Published in April of 2020

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All timestamps are generally in Pacific Standard Time (PST) or Pacific Daylight Time (PDT), unless otherwise noted.

Shopping Story

01:06 AM - Facebook

Interesting story about shopping. How can we eat if we don't go shopping? Somehow, that question is even more relevant today haha. In another video, she talks about shopping again. She is 11 years old. She says that she thinks that saving money is better than spending money. She says that cash is better than credit. Sometimes, Vietnamese says, "Makes me funny." She prefers offline shopping as the goods online are fake. And some are. It is good to sell online as a backup but she is right that real life is better than the Matrix.

Can kids understand big words? Take the six year old for example. Maybe in a few years from now. Ty Huu Bui, She knows what it is right now. You just say to her it means big people steal your house and give you money. That's what it is. And that second thing just means, to her, those big guys steal many houses, AKA Ample Amounts of Houses. He asked me how I might teach kids how to distinguish between fake news and real news. Ty Huu Bui, That is simple. It begins with knowing what is right. When you study the truth, then you will later recognize the counterfeit later on from a mile away. He then asked me if I believed in alternative facts. Ty Huu Bui, Is there an alternative to 1+1=2? Why would I say 1+1=5 or 1+1= Oatmeal? He is like huh. Why you so mean? Oh. Ty Huu Bui, Do you have an Alternative Face? Ty Huu Bui If I told you that I believed that you were a monkey inside the body of a worm, would it matter? Ty Huu Bui Can you give me an example of an alternative fact? Ty Huu Bui Will we win tomorrow is the better question.The one world government is taking over the world right now, right in front of our faces and they are trying to trick everybody into thinking that the lockdowns will only be for a short time but they are trying to keep the whole world locked down forever. Ty Huu Bui You must be a follower of Q Qanon. Ty Huu Bui It seems you are a follower of Q as you sit there and trust the plan like an NPC SJW. Ty Huu Bui I call it as I see it. If you don't want to be connected to Q, then stop acting like Q. Ty Huu Bui If you were alive during 1776 and George Washington asked you for help, you would say, "Oh, trust the plan, King George will save us. We don't need America. Let's go back to England." Ty Huu Bui Why? What's the point? We all got it or will get it. And the tests are contaminated with COVID. They are giving people COVID via the tests. They're trying to make this problem worse. They're behind it. They created it and they're pretending to help us so that we can beg for more slavery. And too many people are begging for more communism. You say you fight communism and yet you support communism. Right now, the whole world is under communism. Everything that is happening right now with the orders they give us to stay at home is communism. That is what communism is all about. You are supporting communism when you try to make exception clauses to universal rights wich governments should not interfere with. Ty Huu Bui We are in a greater economic depression recession than that of the early 1930's as supply chains break and as monopoly supply chains come in to destroy free market capitalism as small businesses close in March of 2020, as millions of people file for unemployment, as regulations come at us, as taxes come at us, as the violation of the 4th amendment comes at us, and don't even get me started on the 9th and 10th amendments which are being violated on top of that. In the 1930's in America, millions of people were starving to death and what is happening right now is thousands of times worse in several different ways and either way you cut it as so many different things are happening at the same time and it really is like 4D chess and it is a puzzle and a maze with so many moving pieces right now and supply chains are breaking and that vacuum, that brokenness, is very dangerous to have as tyranny comes in to fill in those gaps. In other words, those gaps are filled by authoritarianism to the extent good people do not try to fill in those gaps as soon as possible, which was what the founding of the United States of America was all about and Thomas Jefferson used to talk about all of that and more. Ironically, our founding fathers did not make pandemic exception clauses to freedom. They lived through worse pandemics than the ones we may have seen ourselves in some ways. But they do the opposite of what people say. People died to give Americans freedom and now people are choosing to give up those freedoms. That is a paradox.


02:26 AM - Facebook

Covid spelled backwards is Divoc and what the Divoc is going on?


03:07 AM - Facebook Video

Horses are smart like dogs and they move their heads while dancing like parrots.

Pedo Weird

05:16 AM - Hive

The biggest thing got me from this post is the photos of Hillary Clinton. I cannot say if Hillary would actually look like this or if the images were altered. And yet, spiritually, she looks like that for sure, even if her body isn't yet. The second biggest thing that jumped at me is what Mel Gibson was saying and I hope more actors come forward. Blood concrete mix patent. Ahhh.

Abusing Britney Spears

05:33 AM - Hive

Mary Kate & Ashley Olsen were probably abused likewise, like Britney Spears and others. Pedo Wood is a main source for child sex trafficking and murder. The biggest thing I learned in your article here is that propaganda was rebranded in the early 1900's to be public relations. Also, I've heard that the CIA termed conspiracy theory to mock those questioning the murder of JFK.

The Walking Dead

2020-04-05 - Sunday - 05:53 AM - 06:35 AM - TWD 1015

Princess met the king and she hasn't seen people in a year and felt that they were not real. She had a bazooka, killed walkers and scared away 2 horses. She might be crazy. Eugene wants to make it to his date with a chick.



Negan and the daughter

Get it all out

Heart to heart between a girl and Daryl

Super powers and Carol

Deaf girl

Sleep. Dream of trying to put a Christmas tree on my desk in my room. Maybe behind the desk, on the desk, or something. I tried to hang it. Messed with the legs. Tried different things. Mom helped and I kind of didn't want the help. Moved things around a few times. The tree was like two feet tall or smaller. A small tree. That is all I can remember.

Stefan Molyneux

01:35 PM - THE JOY OF BATTLING EVIL! Stefan Molyneux and Sargon of Akkad



Wetware = humans

COVID Experts Debate

02:50 PM - Facebook

Ty Huu Bui, Different experts disagree with other top experts. So, which ones do you agree with and which ones do you disagree with among the top experts who are not on the same page as they say different things and they disagree with each other which means your statement has no meaning because it is not a monopoly of thought and interpretation and choices as they are saying different things and you can read the articles and watch the videos and you can especially look at the inventor of email and look at what that Indian from India is saying about all of this and you can look at Mike Adams and there are other key experts I have linked to in my blog many times and you refuse to read it which means you are not an educated person because you are just reading off headlines like leftists do and that is how you talk and how you act and you could look at what I write on my blog if you really wanted to know what is going on. This is a question I'm asking you. Which experts do you choose to believe? Which ones? Which experts do you choose to disagree with and why?

Ty then said that I was not an expert and that lamestream goes against Fauci. Nope. They do not. Fake news agree with Fauci. Ty Huu Bui Lamestream agrees with you. That means your argument in invalid. Ty Huu Bui Fauci is a communist and he works for Bill Gates.

This used to be a slogan of mine. I call it L4OJ. It goes back to 2006 or possibly 2005.

Thug Goosh

04:35 PM - THE MANCAVE "TRUMP IS MY PRESIDENT! Hitlary for prison!" Alex Jones is the REMEDY to fake news!

The elite is very psychotic and robotic.

Oatmeal English

Learn English or Teach English. Listen. Speak. Read. Write. Conversation. Communication. Pronunciation. Grammar. Oatmeal English.

Lionel Nation

05:15 PM - Live Stream: Truth Needs to Go Mainstream


05:35 PM - 2020 Virus - 09 | Ep.06 - What is the Covid-19 test testing for? | Can you catch a virus? | Adrian

COVID is a Symptom

05:40 PM - Hive

COVID-19 is a symptom, not a cause. Let's ignore that root, let's just attack the messenger. Let's just shoot the messenger. Let's not get to the root of the problem.

Philosophy Dinosaur COVID-19 is a symptom, not a cause. Let's ignore that root, let's just attack the messenger.png

Visual Venture

Exosomes come out of cells to block and destroy toxins that are coming towards the cells. External exosomes may enter foreign cells and damage and maybe even destroy those cells.

Vitamin C helps fight the free radicals.


07:22 PM - Maggie Returns | The Walking Dead Season 10 Finale Sneak Peek

Matt Christiansen

07:23 PM - 🔴 Snitches Get Rewards, Paddleboarders Get Arrested, Guest Dave Cullen & More LIVE 9 ET


COVID tests may show you got Exosomes which is not a problem.

Cells create Exosomes which help but tests may say they are bad. But they are not bad.

Expose what COVID is.

Red Letter Media

08:11 PM - Hackers - reView

1995 - Hackers - Featuring Blue Lips Angelina Jolie

08:55 PM - 1995-09-15 - USA - 15th of September of 1995

This aint Inception but it features some twisted dream sequences. For example, spoiler alert, when you think the guy is dreaming about having sex with Angelina Jolie, as teens would, you think it is his dream. You see him wake up. But then you see the blue headed devil wake up as it was like a dream in a dream. It's kind of like when you think you woke up but you really just woke up in your dream and then you find out it was her dream. Reminds me of the Truman Show when he was in a dream, I mean show. Like the Matrix or the world that they're trying to put us in as we speak by making us scared of touching each other because of COVID-19.

1995 Hackers Film Angelina Jolie Blue Lips.jpeg
1995 Hackers Film Angelina Jolie Hair.jpeg

Hackers Review Video - Click Here

Computer Film

As a nerd, I'm a fan of sci-fi and even tech-related movies like this. Hackers (Wikipedia Review) is kind of silly and I've not seen this movie yet. I'm just taking some random notes from the Red Letter Media review. I was ten in 1995 and I would have liked it. While watching this review video, I instantly recognized Angelina who I later became a fan of when I saw her in Tomb Raider in 2001 with my brother and Woof.


1995-09-15 - Hackers premiered in the United States on the 15th of September of 1995 - Oatmeal Daily - 2020-04-05 - Sunday - The film follows a group of high school hackers and their involvement in a corporate extortion conspiracy. Made in the 1990s when the Internet was unfamiliar to the general public.

Internal vs External Vaccines:

09:34 PM - Hive

We got Natural Immunization. In other words, some or all vaccines are virtually and basically synthetic imitation of what the body does via the immune system, via the antibodies, via Exosomes and different elements, vitamins, minerals, the good bacteria, etc.

Built-in (Internal) Vaccine System

In other words, long story short, the body has a built-in vaccine-like system that works better than many vaccines. I'm not saying that all vaccines are always bad for all diseases and everything. A person can choose to get a vaccine. People can choose to get as many vaccines as they want.

Bad Vaccines

A vaccine can be bad if it not custom-designed specifically like a key to fit a specific lock, and that becomes difficult as the locks (viruses, germs, bacteria, etc) mutate. So, one year is a long time to wait for a vaccine. Our body should be able to make antibodies within hours in some cases. A vaccine can be bad if it contains too much Mercury which is like a toxin. It is like poison. Vaccines could be compared to Genetically Modified Organisms (GMOs) in that they can be incomplete and therefore can put the body off balance as the body requires many different vitamins and other things at the same time. The food we eat is supposed to have the right balance of certain vitamins, etc. And white bread for example is lacking all or much of the nutrients that the body needs.


In other words, our wetware (our bodies) is chemistry. It requires the right mix of chemicals at the right place at the right time in the right amounts to react with each other to create different chemicals and things that the body needs. So, it is like chemistry class. And vaccines can be good in theory, out of context, in isolation. But some vaccines can be bad in that there are things they add to vaccines that should not be there. Vaccines can be incomplete and can be lacking components the body needs. The vaccines can be late in that it could be the wrong key for the wrong locks. In some cases, some vaccines can help some people perhaps and it depends on the situation. Perhaps, a person is in a very bad situation and their body is too weak to fix the problem on its own. Vaccines might help them.

Long-Term Problem

But many vaccines can weaken the immune system which means that the short-term solution (a vaccine) can then cause even bigger problems similar to how radiation treatment or therapy damages not just cancer cells but other cells as well which causes people to die.

Bad Words in Vietnamese

09:50 PM - Hive

The one I learned was TRAI OI, oh the Heavens or oh my God.

Oregon Trees

09:55 PM - Hive

I love Oregon. Love the people. Love the natural beauty it has. Oregon has lots of trees like upstate New York. The weather is similar to West Virginia. Yeah, there are some meth heads in Portland, OR. Many people in the smaller towns in Oregon are pretty nice as you would expect.

Fake News Debate

10:23 PM - Facebook

Ty Huu Bui What kind of people are funding them? How many Big Pharma commercials do you see?

Been organizing my Facebook groups the past several days.


The Walking Dead

2020-04-05 - Sunday - 05:53 AM - 06:35 AM - TWD 1015

Stefan Molyneux

01:35 PM - THE JOY OF BATTLING EVIL! Stefan Molyneux and Sargon of Akkad

Thug Goosh

04:35 PM - THE MANCAVE "TRUMP IS MY PRESIDENT! Hitlary for prison!" Alex Jones is the REMEDY to fake news!

Lionel Nation

05:15 PM - Live Stream: Truth Needs to Go Mainstream


05:35 PM - 2020 Virus - 09 | Ep.06 - What is the Covid-19 test testing for? | Can you catch a virus? | Adrian


07:22 PM - Maggie Returns | The Walking Dead Season 10 Finale Sneak Peek

Matt Christiansen

07:23 PM - 🔴 Snitches Get Rewards, Paddleboarders Get Arrested, Guest Dave Cullen & More LIVE 9 ET

Red Letter Media

08:11 PM - Hackers - reView

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