Foster Diaries Milestone - Percy Started Purring!


Percy and Aki

I already mentioned last week that Percy was growing in his behavior thanks to being partnered up with Aki in our home. I love seeing how his confidence grows by the day and how relaxed he gets. He also learned how to escape quickly like Aki does whenever he feels like it's not time to be locked up inside the playpen yet. Sometimes they have to be in there though, simply because I don't want to risk anything happening during the night because we already know that if we let Aki out at night, she'll keep us all awake.

It happens more often that I leave them out of the playpen, with the option to go in there if they want (the litterbox is in there too) when we go out for groceries or tapas. It depends if they are resting anyway, usually when we don't lock them up while they're sleeping, we come back to find them in the same position anyway. So I prefer not running after them to lock them up. They are super fast so it can be a challenge if we're in a hurry. Thankfully, most things can be planned and then I make sure to lure them in with some wet food which is usually very easy as they go bananas for that food.

I always close the bedroom door though, so Mochi has the living room and the kittens are in the bedroom so at least they will not get into any trouble with him. He yet has to meet them so far he only saw them from the door opening when he was curious about the meows inside the bedroom. I plan on introducing them somewhere next week.


Aki loves my office chair

Where the first kittens we fostered didn't have any interest to climb on my office chair, Aki is different. She learned to climb on it quickly and to my horror, she doesn't jump but climbs up with her nails inside the fabric, I discovered it's already punctured with holes, oof. Now I covered the chair with a towel and my bathrobe because the towel was dragged down as soon as she climbs and the bathrobe gives more protection so I will not find more holes punctured by her nails. I should have covered it up from the moment she arrived as I knew this was me being lucky with the first 5 kittens, but I got comfortable and forgot, oops.



Thursday, May 18 was a Purrrrry day because it was the very first time in about 6 months that Mochi purred, which was a very special moment for us. Just an hour later, I had the same moment with Percy, who we now call Purrcy sometimes, thanks to this milestone.

He came from far because this tiny kitten was very scared of everything and everyone and really grew in terms of weight as well as personality. Granted, I'm the one that he allows close to him the most but that's simply because I'm the one that spends most time with the kittens during the week. This little one learned that humans aren't that scary and they can make you feel good too!

Since he started purring, I've been actively picking him up more often and he's not trying to escape anymore but usually sits calmly enjoying the love, purrs a bit, and then waits until I put him back on the ground or with Aki. Aki gets really jealous sometimes when she hears him purr, she's then jumping in between and demanding attention too, lol.

Napping with 2 kittens

During the weekend, when I was laying in bed because I was exhausted from coughing, I suddenly felt some paws against my leg, when I checked, it was Percy who came to lay with me on the bed first. Usually, Aki comes to me first and then Percy joins so that's a huge progress for him to jump on the bed and sleep against my leg.

Of course, Aki followed his lead and joined us. It was funny when I tried to pet them, they were both playing with my fingers. Not with the nails but like they gave me high fives, haha. These little moments are great as you know you've gained their trust and they feel very comfortable with us.

As you can see not that much happens if you just foster 2 kittens instead of 5, it's a lot more relaxed and they mostly keep themselves busy, and the cleaning up after them is a lot less work as well. I will enjoy the next days with just 2 kittens because on Tuesday we welcome a third kitten. This kitten is going to stay with us as we adopted her. We found our own furry friend! This doesn't mean the foster kitties need to leave, it only means she's lucky to have 2 playmates about her age which is more fun for her.

See you next week!

Previous parts of "Friday Foster Stories"

If you really like these diaries about us fostering Aki, you may want to check out the "Bundle Of Beans Diaries" as well, this was our first time fostering. Five amazingly cute kittens were here for 18 days and I made sure to keep a diary and tons of pictures:

Previous parts of "The Bundle Of Beans Diaries"

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2 columns
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