Fostering Aki - Day 2 - Little Miss Houdini Tested Positive For Giardia


A great night!

Aki slept through the night! She didn't call for us once, which made me super happy! I was probably the reason she started calling at 7.15 because I needed to go to the toilet and she noticed movement at that time. I can only say, I gladly get up at 7.15 if this means we have a good night's rest. I was fully prepared for her to be sad during the night, as she was alone without any comfort from other kittens or snuggle up against. I happily greeted her as soon as I went to the toilet and put on some light.



What a little cutie she is! Too bad the litterbox contained thinner poop than yesterday so I took a picture in case they wanted to test for Giardia. I was right, we needed to bring the sample to the vet later. It had to wait until the afternoon though as I had some work to do as well as tax stuff to take care of first. Our daughter was on a school trip and not home until the end of the afternoon so I wanted to make sure to get a lot of things done with the few extra hours time we had.

Miss Houdini

I think Houdini would have been a great name for Aki:


The little lady has a lot of energy and already managed to hide from me twice in the early mornings (read: before 9 AM). Yesterday she managed to climb between the bed and wall and got stuck (or just didn't want to move lol) which made me move the mattress to the wall and I thought that was it but today she proved me wrong. I went inside to make coffee and came back without me finding her in the room, weird. I moved the mattress and found her under it again, I wondered how she ended up there but it took me a second Houdini attempt to figure this out. She climbed to the other side and then had lots of space to go in between, like a long tunnel haha. I put a small towel rolled up there and when she went there again, I added another one to make sure it was all closed for Miss Houdini.

Affectionate lady

During the morning she was very demanding of my attention, fell asleep in my arms as well as played by herself a bit, not too long as she clearly wanted me to play with her. I gave her as much attention as I could and thankfully she fell asleep a few times without the need for me to hold her. She already discovered how to climb my office chair which is fake leather so kitten nails are not recommended. I put a sheet on top of the chair so I can hopefully save it from getting scratched. She also thought climbing up my leg would be a great idea, I was wearing old leggings to save my new clothes from her nails but I know now that with just 3/4 of leggings, my legs are a target as well, lol.

Positive for Giardia

The test at the vet came back positive for Giardia, I kind of expected it because I already heard that a lot of the street cats come back positive currently.


Thankfully this time, the vet asked me if I preferred liquid medication or tablets because I dreaded the idea of having to administer the liquid medication after having to do so with 5 other kittens. They hated it, and with some kittens, it became a two-people job simply because they tried to scratch their way out of our hands very wildly. I did not enjoy that part and after seeing how easily you can give a kitten a tablet (when the kittens got their anti-parasite tablet at the vet I have seen this is not too hard) I was in favor of taking home tablets. I'm sure this can also be challenging but I hope less stressful for her (and us).

Voluntarily inside the playpen

I had to pick up my daughter from her school trip at the end of the afternoon, this time I didn't have to put Aki inside the playpen as she voluntarily went in it to sleep on the pillow after she had her wet food.


Too bad I had to tell my daughter to be extra careful with her and even wash her hands more now that Aki also tested positive for Giardia. I will take off the bedding today and look for unused sheets to place on top of the beds during the day so that I only have to wash these and we won't have anything in our beds. Thankfully, we have plenty of sheets so it shouldn't be a big problem and will save me some extra cleaning rounds or contamination.

Aki went to bed earlier than yesterday because we didn't want our daughter to be in bed at midnight again. Thankfully, the little cutie didn't have any issues and just enjoyed the warmth of the hot jug and went to sleep without issues. When I came inside to use the computer around midnight, she didn't make a sound.

That's the end of day 2 with our new foster baby. See you tomorrow!

Previous parts of "Fostering Aki"

If you really like these diaries about us fostering Aki, you may want to check out the "Bundle Of Beans Diaries" as well, this was our first time fostering. Five amazingly cute kittens were here for 18 days and I made sure to keep a diary and tons of pictures:

Previous parts of "The Bundle Of Beans Diaries"

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