The Bundle Of Beans Diaries - Introduction


A Bundle Of Beans

You are probably wondering how I got to this name for the blog, which I understand. Let me explain. When the rescue organization has to deal with many kittens and cats, at some point, you are out of names so they try to find new ones by picking a theme for example. The theme of this litter is "Beans". All their names are Spanish for some type of bean or pea. Normally I'd call them a bundle of joy, which they are, 100%, but I think "A Bundle Of Beans" sounds cooler so that's that, haha.

Expect me to update every day, unless I'm way too busy giving them attention, of course, they are a priority! In that case, I will catch up or sum up two days. They will be staying for a few weeks until they go to their new families. All five have been adopted, sadly for us because otherwise, there would have been one we'd adopt ourselves for sure.

Who are these little beans?

Let's introduce our favorite beans in the world:

N and Garbanzo (2).jpg

  • Garbanzo - This utterly cute grey kitten (a girl) is called Garbanzo, which means Chickpea :) This was the first one to come to us and had the boldest attitude upon arrival. Garbanzo showed the siblings that we are good people and started purring quite soon after I cuddled her, after which she started to lick and bite my fingers. Adorable!

Haba y Garbanzo.jpg

  • Haba - The second grey kitten is called Haba (pronounced Aba) and is a boy. You can tell the difference between them by looking at the nose, can you see how Haba has a pink nose and the doll on top of him, Garbanzo, has a black nose? Haba is just as adorable and will start purring quite fast after you pet him. He's quite playful, but then again, they all are.

Frijole (2).jpg

  • Frijole - This tabby cutie is called Frijole and is a boy who can be recognized by his sad eyes. Don't let the droopy eyes fool you though because this little fella is quite the pot-stirrer in the litter. If one of the siblings decides to sleep while Frijole is not done playing, he will wake them all up and force them to play. His sharp teeth already found their way to my foot and toes, so I know what I'm talking about!

day 1 Guisante (2).jpg

  • Guisante - This adorable baby girl is called Guisante. She's the only tabby girl and quite easy to recognize because she's more petite and has more brown-colored fur as well. She is utterly adorable and started purring very fast after arrival here. Guisante has been awake first a few times now and then she instantly seeks contact and meows so cutely, which makes the rest follow her lead.

Alubia y Haba.png

  • Alubia - And last but definitely not least, this boy is called Alubia and so far I have the hardest time recognizing him from the tabbies. The way I currently have to do it is by ruling out the other two. I'm sure this will change quickly though, they have only been here a day. I have to give Alubia some credit for climbing the scratching post first. Today we will go and buy a tiny one to place inside their playpen so I guess soon the rest follows.

Adorable aren't they?

This was the introduction post about these beans we are fostering for a few weeks. After just one day I already have plenty of stories to tell but I will start by sharing day one tomorrow. They have been an absolute joy so far and I'm very happy that we were trusted to take care of them, they brought so many smiles to our faces today already, it's insane!

Be prepared for an invasion of beans, they are good beans and very loveable, so no worries!

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