Hummingbird Clearwing Moth video


Check out this Hummingbird Clearwing Moth! The wings are translucent and you can see the color of the Phlox through the wings 😍

Butterfly moth

I was looking at one of our flower beds and found this busy guy buzzing about...


The moth made two full circuits around this phlox. Watch the video 🙂 its much better than the photos 😉

More info on the Hummingbird Clearwing moth at this US Forest Service website. Hummingbird Moths are often confused for hummingbirds but they are smaller and noticeably different when viewed up close. We were excited to see this little guy since we haven't put our hummingbird feeders back up since the last time the neighborhood bear knocked it down 🙄 on the plus side, our flower beds are getting a little better each year and attracting more pollinators the "natural" way haha

If you've made it this far... a few better phlox photos after the moth moved on.

Dew drops

I was worried about my phlox because they got "topped" by deer but they bounced back nicely.

Late season phlox

Phlox are one of my favorite early summer flowers.

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