New Tunes 3.5.2024

Hello music lovers! 🎢

New and fresh songs by well-known and lesser-known artists are here! A selection of #newtunes for our listening pleasure for the weekend and beyond!

I hope you had a good time on Labor Day, whoever is celebrating.
If you don't like any of the music just skip it.
And one more thing - at the end of this post you can vote for the song you liked the most. So far this works in two front ends - Ecency and Peakd.


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Dead Pony - Cobra

I mentioned Scottish band Dead Pony two weeks ago, and that's a second single from their debut album Ignore This. QOTSA and NIN in the one package, with a great female vocal and crazy controlled instrumentals behind. I'm sure we'll hear more of them soon.

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Iron & Wine - Anyone's Game

Iron & Wine, or Samuel Beam, is an American singer, composer, and songwriter. He has been performing since 2002 and has released six studio albums to date. The latest, Light Verse, was released at the end of April this year. The song Anyone's Game is the first single from this album.
I've heard of him before, but this is the first time I've listened to him, I don't know exactly where to put him, yet he seems most similar to universal musicians like Paul Simon or Peter Gabriel. Tones, sounds, noises, melodies, and rhythms from all over the world.

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Kamasi Washington - Dream State (feat. AndrΓ© 3000)

Kamasi Washington is an American tenor saxophonist who has found his way in jazz, won several international music awards, collaborated extensively with other musicians and bands, and released seven studio albums to date, and just today his seventh studio album, Fearless Movement, is released, from which this song is featured, in which he collaborates with the multi-instrumentalist Andree3000 (better known as one half of the duo Outkast), on flute and electronics.
A superb timeless, meditative psychedelic jazzy hip-hop and whatnot mix of sounds and melodies to be listened to, not discussed.

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London Grammar - House

London Grammar is an English indie pop-rock band, active since 2009, with four albums released to date, most recently The Greatest Love. The song House is a subtle, dramatic, and unsettling dream pop song with a lot of dark exuberance and is about home.

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The Libertines - Merry Old England

I mentioned The Libertines a few weeks ago when their latest album, All Quiet On The Eastern Esplanade, came out. And here they are again with a new single from that album, Merry Old England, about the consequences of the migrant crisis in England.

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Sahra Halgan - Qaram qalafe

Sahra Halgan is a Somali singer and cultural activist. She emigrated to France because of the war and started her music career there. She has released five albums to date, most recently Hiddo Dhawr at the end of March this year. Her music mixes various African musical influences with European, indie pop and electronic music. She has found her niche, it seems to me.

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David Gilmour - The Piper's Call

As a Pink Floyd fan, I can't help but mention David Gilmour and his latest song, The Piper's Call. This is a teaser for his fifth solo album, Luck And Strange, which will be released in September this year. Although 78 years old, he is still persevering and writing new music. A lot of people don't like all this, but I hear in all these new songs of his that nostalgia and youthful memories that I had listening to early Pink Floyd and later.
But I do get the feeling that he is burdened with getting older, at least in this song he keeps mentioning some eternal youth :)
It's definitely a song for fans.

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Mark Knopfler - Two Pairs Of Hands

Finally, another guitar master, Mark Knopfler, with his new album, One Deep River.
Every great guitarist has, you could say, a fingerprint, in the sense that when you hear a piece of music somewhere, on the radio, you somehow identify it.
His magic fingers are still able, after many years, to realize a combination of hypnotic/soothing/nostalgic, seemingly simple music that can be described as a daily antibiotic. The calm, joy, and poise of a seasoned musician in no hurry to get anywhere.

🎢That's all for today, and enjoy your weekend and holidays with new songs!

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newtunes2024 26.4.2024, 19.4.2024, 12.4.2024, 5.4.2024, 29.3.2024, 22.3.2024, 15.3.2024, 8.3.2024, 1.3.2024, 23.2.2024, 16.2.2024, 9.2.2024, 2.2.2024, 19.1.2024, 12.1.2024, 5.1.2024

If you're interested in #newtunes suggestions from the past five years, you can listen to them at these links - there are Spotify playlists for each year:

newtunes2019 | newtunes2020 | newtunes2021 | newtunes2022 | newtunes2023

If you like rare and alternative live performances, take a look at my recordings - 3speak video channel, or Seckorama Music Podcast - audio.

If you like jazz, I recommend Jazz-Matinee regular Sunday blog by @w74.

And here's something else:
There has been a lot of development in Hive core, but documentation is outdated, and updates are needed. So I invite you to support and vote for Hive devportal updates proposal by @good-karma.

Support and vote for those exceptional witnesses:
@good-karma, @liotes, @fbslo and @detlev.witness.


Listen loud!

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As mentioned, this is the first time you can vote for the song you like the most. This feature is still in testing, but I hope will be integrated very soon.

Which song do you like the most?
Only accounts older than 100 days allowed
You may select 1 choices
Dead Pony - Cobra
Iron & Wine - Anyone's Game
Kamasi Washington - Dream State
London Grammar - House
The Libertines - Merry Old England
Sahra Halgan - Qaram qalafe
David Gilmour - The Piper's Call
Mark Knopfler - Two Pairs Of Hands
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2 columns
1 column