Inktober days 2-4 - Scurry, Bat, Scallop


I should limit my lines. I mean, I want to limit my lines! The amount of lines I have in each drawing, are they all that important? Or should I just try coloring everything to black? What if that goes too far and I become Johnny Nice Painter? That could happen you know.


This should be scurry but I'm not sure if it is or is it that the wee ones are just breaking wind? Is the bigger creature sniffing or just exhausted? Well I don't know, I meant to draw scurry but breaking wind is okay too I guess. We should make it normal to not keep things in but just let everything out. Just like that. Everything out. And while you guys are doing that, letting everything out, I'll be hanging with myself, inside, behind closed doors. Away from the smell and possible sightings that later would need to be scrubbed off with a grate from my brain.

scurry (1).jpgscurry (2).jpg

I draw the first lines in a buss. Kinda like the wobbly line on the big creature but for some reason didn't recreate that with the pen.


Batterly battery batting. Battyfying battily bat.

Not real words? Well, not a real bat either. Just few lines.

bat (1).jpgbat (2).jpgbat (3).jpg

As if drawing wasn't hard enough, drawing a creature upside down was harder. Did I actually draw it upside down is for you to ponder and for me to know. Not that it even matters but I had to write something underneath these photos.


Scallop, scallopy, scallopean!

Again I know that these perhaps aren't real words and I know that I could have made my point (drawing) with fewer lines but I got carried away. You should try it yourself. A line here, a line there, everywhere a line!

scallop (1).jpgscallop (2).jpg
scallop (3).jpgscallop (4).jpg

So there's the puffy lips, dentures (kinda) and two versions of a Finnish pasty called Karelian pasty. Karjalanpiirakka! Literally translated it's Karelian pie but who cares! The world is a crazy place, pies become pasties and one thing leads to another and then the worlds collide, everything melts together in an unmeasurable pressure with excruciating pain in ones toes and heart and head and soul. Forever. FORRRRRRREVERRRRRRRR!

That's my cue.

Insane over and out.


Where did my Inktober journey start?
1-4, 5, 6, 7-8, 9, 10, 11-12, 13-14, 15, 16-18, 19-21, 22-23, 24-27, 28-29, 30-31
12, 12 animation
0, 1, 2-4, 5-7, 8-10, 11-15, 16-20, 21-22, 23, 24, 25-28, 29-30, 31a, 31b
1&4-5, 2-3, 7-8, 9&11, 6&10&12-14, 15-16&18&20, 17, 19&21-23, 24, 28+1, 25-27&29, 30, 31+13
14/2016, 52's:7,21,30/2021&5/2020, 52's:27/2021+5/2020, 52:35/2021, 52:8/2020, 31/2017, 52:47/2020, 24/2017, hand1, 10/2017,52:3&44/2020,52:9/2021,hand25

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