Slither - Inktober day 30


My intention was to do the slither with ink and sketch it on paper but I ended up doing this with Sketchbook app and Stylus pen because I just wanted to try different apps, couldn't stop and after couple of hours, slither was born.


I haven't used drawing apps that much and the only pen I had was a either my finger or a soft tip cheap pen so like I already said, drawing was weird, hard and agony. But what's new? I like to do things that I suck at.


Layers. I could have used layers. Or could I? The Sketchbook app was a little bit confusing and although there is a clear layer logo there, on the lower right corner, or is it just background, I couldn't create a new layer. Either I'm an impatient idiot or layers are not an option. But I did like the pen styles! They were cool!


This time I did the drawing first and added the Hjemmet magazine clipping later. Just chose something.


I planned where to put the clippings, scanned them, retouched the whole slither art, added the clippings and voilà!


A slithering giant road snake has to have worshipers, right? The snake doesn't seem happy, perhaps it wanted to be just a road, not a snake, but I'm happy because there's only one day and one drawing left in Inktober 2021. Yippee!

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