Weekend-Engagement concept: Some of my favourite posts [WE108]

'Sex' is as important as eating or drinking and we ought to allow the one appetite to be satisfied with as little restraint or false modesty as the other.

- Marquis de Sade -

I was pleased with the writing prompts I put together for week one hundred and eight; I thought they'd give people good inspiration to write something fun. I added one I thought no one would answer, the sexy time prompt, but I was wrong as it proved to be incredibly popular with some very cool, sexy and sensual, posts written about the topic. A couple of them reminded me of this song by Robin Thicke called sex therapy so I decided to link it to my favourites post tonight; a good track and a good video too.

Thank you to everyone who entered with a post this week. Take a look on the community feed for the blog-entries by going to the WEEKEND EXPERIENCES community.

I share some hive each week and am assisted with sponsorship from my brother @tarazkp and the lovely @dswigle - Thank you for your generous donations and support of the #weekend-engagement concept.

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Links to some of my favourites below

🔻 @germanandradeg - 5 Hive

Follow this link to the blog to take a read of this excellent content. As always this user brings something great to the weekend-engagement concept.

🔻 @goddesseva - 5 Hive

Follow this link to the blog to take a read of this excellent content. A very nice post about what would prove to be a very enjoyable weekend event. Kudos for adding your own photo rather than a stock image.

🔻 @edystringz - 5 Hive

Follow this link to the blog to take a read of this excellent content. Your post was enjoyable to read and I hope you'll drop some hints to that fellow...and post about how it all goes.

🔻 @riverflows - 5 Hive

Follow this link to the blog to take a read of this excellent content. You always bring it so thanks once again for doing so; there were many good moments in this post.

🔻 @beeber - 5 Hive

Follow this link to the blog to take a read of this excellent content. I'm pleased that you chose to join in on the concept, it was a pleasure to read your post. #lamingtonwars

🔻 @momogrow - 5 Hive

Follow this link to the blog to take a read of this excellent content. You put together a really great post. I'm glad you took the time to get involved this week.



Look out this Friday for the next #weekend-engagement concept announcement: week 109

I look forward to seeing you all around the blockchain and remember you don't have to wait until the weekend to post in THE WEEKEND. If the content is original and weekend-related you can post any day. I curate in there all week. See you soon folks.

Design and create your ideal life, don't live it by default - Tomorrow isn't promised so be humble and kind

If you'd like to sponsor a week of #weekend-engagement please feel free to transfer your sponsorship to my Hive wallet with the memo: weekend-engagement sponsorship and let me know in a comment.

Any images in this post are my own

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