WE108 - My Big Five of Australia

Much has been written about the Big Five Of Life, be it animals in Africa or goals in life. This post is about a fictional short trip to Australia, inspired by a g-dogs Weekend Engagement Posting Topic, where I choose:

Weekend at g-dog's house (I'm g-dog in case you don't know.)
You're invited to my house for a weekend and can invite a few others, (anyone on the planet alive, dead or fictional), but you have to arrange the food, topics of discussion and entertainment...Who are they, what do you plan, what will be be talking about and why? (quote galenkp)

And here they are, my Big Five For Australia:

1 - Uluru Rocks! I don't know why, I only know them from pictures and TV, but this image has always had an incredible attraction to me.
source unsplash

2 - Kangaroos! I have actually never seen one in reality.
source pixabay

3 - Wombats! Even though small and not comparable to an African elephant, I would love to see these in their living environment too.
source pixabay

4 - Lamington Cake. An Australian cake. Where do I know it from? Three times you may guess...
source unsplash

5 - GALENKP - rare species, called Australian d-dog. Eyes mostly hiding behind sunglasses.
source unsplash

And this is where my fictional journey begins....

I would pack up @melinda010100 and Ed NightOwl @tengolotodo and we would fly to Australia where our little round with Mr. G-Dog himself, would us lead out to explore my Big Five and also the others Big Australian Five.

It would be a really nice adventure that would probably take us all over Australia. After the outback and the wilderness, of course, to this very special coffee shop and to this very cream-filled Lamington cake! If you dont know wich one I mean, you find the photo here: Coffee shop, cakes and boobs by @galenkp
At the end of the trip we drive to Galen's house, where we are invited to spend another weekend.

The outdoor kitchen is already built and also under the new pergola we can sit comfortably and enjoy the beautiful Australian evenings.

While the boys fire up the grill, I would have to inspect Galen's vegetables and strawberry plants with Melinda of course! We'd make salads and delicious strawberry punch. Eat Australian Steak and enjoy this verry jummy food.
An other day I would cook Austrian Marillen Knödel, they surely would love them!

I truly don't have to worry about the entertainment. Because we have enough to talk about due to our joint search for our Big Fives of Australia.

We will also talk about worldwide online friendships, especially those that can be formed on HIVE. You meet hundreds of people, but one or the other becomes a friend. Partly probably also with a little fantasy in the game, but nevertheless I am the firm conviction that souls can find each other also over the Internet and become friends.

So we are guaranteed not to run out of things to talk about, and far too quickly the weekend will be over. We will have to say goodbye, fly back to our lives, to the USA, England and Austria. But we will have material for months to post about it!

This was my contribution to the Weekend Engagement Topic by @galenkp and the WEEKEND EXPERIENCES COMMUNITY and I hope you enjoyed the little journey :-) Yours, B.

Photos sources pixabay and unsplash
mostly Translated with www.DeepL.com/Translator (free version)

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