[WE108] Weekend-Engagement concept: Under the pergola

It’s party time!! I told everyone that I was flying to g-dog’s (@galenkp) house. They all wanted to join me, but I chose the four people that I thought would be good fun and ready for a party - anytime, anywhere. Afterall, they had to fly to Australia at the drop of a hat.


I had to be selective as I know g-dog is easily irked.

Bob knew I would invite him because lately I am more appreciative of reggae as I was deprived during my disco phase. He was pretty “irie” about my lack of knowledge because he believed that educating the populous can happen at any time. He brought some of his LPs, but his band began wailing as they would have loved to tag along.

Next on the list was Sydney Kingston, a Rastafarian politician from Treasure Beach, Jamaica. Everyone knew him as the White Rasta or Ras-chef due to his mixed heritage – his mom was Australian and his father Jamaican. People were shocked about 1) his real name and 2) rastas are never usually politically ambitious. For me, his name is synonymous with finger-licking good cooking and I knew that g-dog and everyone else would love it.

The next friend who did not hesitate to drop everything for the trip was @zyzymena. We met via Hive and became great friends because of her frequent trips to Europe. This is one hilarious woman. She is a regular at Comedy Open Mic and she is a sassy and humorous radio presenter.

Last, but not least, to fly in for the party was DJ Frari, an ex- Formule 1 race driver turned DJ. His fame really came after stopping with driving, not because he became a DJ but because he can sing like the best tenor.

I arrived earlier and did some shopping. G-dog accompanied me to the airport to pick up my friends. Bob’s luggage had not arrived, so he only had a large rucksack.
We all felt it was a pity but Bob calmly told us,
“Everything's irie. I and I don’t need lots of earthly possessions. All that I need is in my rucksack.”
This was rasta language, but everyone understood Bob clearly.
Zyzymena immediately quipped,
“I am sure you have your reefers and a football.”

She was almost right. Bob had his smokes, some LPs, Jamaican Blue Mountain coffee and a large box of pink jelly Lamington cakes. He arranged to have them delivered to him upon his arrival. Except for the smokes, the rest were presents for G-dog, who was very delighted with it all.

Upon arrival at G-dog’s home, he guided us to his entertainment room. As it was a lovely day, G-dog opened the large sliding glass doors which took us to his newly finished pergola.

It was looking lovely with fans and lights and some nice foliage had already grown around it. It was the perfect place to relax.

Everyone instantly felt comfortable under such a beautiful pergola. His outdoor kitchen area was just off from the pergola. Ras-chef did not hesitate to open containers as he admired the brand-new BBQ and kitchen area. He was happy with the provisions I had brought from my garden and bought for the Barbie. Ras-chef decreed in his lilting English and patois as spoken by Jamaicans,
“No respectful gathering can be wit’out Jamaican jerk chicken”.
He began with the cooking immediately.

The topic changed swiftly from food to music. G-dog placed “Jamming” on the recorder player, it inevitably set the mood. Some impromptu dancing began. G-dog was questioned by DJ Frari about his unusual name - thinking that the host was also a DJ. Zyzymena’s ears perked up due to her interest in music as a radio presenter. No one received the answer to the question posed as DJ Frari and G-dog soon recognized their common interest in Formule 1 – then I joined the conversation because of my interest in the sport.

Soon the barbie was ready.

Photo of Jamaican jerk chicken-taken by me

Everyone got up from the comfortable seats under the pergola and went over to the outdoor kitchen area. With the rhythmic reggae beats in the background and jerk chicken on the barbie – one would think we were in Jamaica. Then Bob asked Ras-chef,
“Do you have some "ital food" for the rasta?”

Ras-chef, being a Rastafarian himself, had made him some delicious ital “tucker”. Realizing that preferences were being catered to Zyzymena had an announcement of her own,
“No good party is without jollof rice – it’s that simple”.

She pretended to be sad and went back to sit under the pergola. Bob brought her a Jamaican rum punch and told her,
“Get up, stand up, you should stand up for your rights.”
Zyzymena said jovially, “I am just “having a whinge”. "

Bob understood her flexibility and was happy there would be no “War” over food. Upon tasting the meal – Zyzymena needed to spice things up even more than it was. G-dog had the perfect complement with a bottle of “Handsome Devils sauce”.

One would have thought that libations were a-plenty with all the fun and laughter under the pergola. Zyzymena was in her element and we held our sides laughing as she cracked one joke after the other. These conscious souls did not need much alcohol to discuss and enjoy.

After the meal, a debate ensued and got a bit heated when the current state of the world and what should be done about it, was discussed. Bob declared that Babylon must fall. The politician, Ras-chef took the comment personally, because he is now representing government. After G-dog quoted Aristotle and Herodotus, Zyzymena was reminded of when conversations got serious on a radio show. She got up and sauntered over to the record player while quoting Bob by saying,

“One good thing about music is that when it hits you feel no pain”.

Everyone had to laugh, as "Trenchtown Rock" belted out but was overshadowed by DJ Frari’s tenor rendition. Thereafter, Bob triggered me when he said,

“Momogrow, you’ve got the gift of the gab, why don’t you “Stir it up”?”

I did just that.
I changed the subject with a recitation of one of my light-hearted poems about coffee and other indulgences. G-dog took it as a cue to bring out the pink jelly Lamington cakes, which he served with the Blue Mountain coffee.


The evening became night and soon it was time to go. We all had a memorable time under G-dog’s pergola. He must have had a good time too, because as we departed he said,

“See you next Weekend!"

This post is in response to @galenkp's Weekend Engagement Concept. I choose:

Weekend at g-dog's house (I'm g-dog in case you don't know.)

You're invited to my house for a weekend and can invite a few others, (anyone on the planet alive, dead or fictional), but you have to arrange the food, topics of discussion and entertainment...Who are they, what do you plan, what will be be talking about and why?

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