Before and after starting TRT with Hone Health


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My Transformation ⤵️

When I turned 30 years old last year I decided it was finally time to test my hormone levels for the very first time in my life. Back then I was struggling to get good rest and was underweight.

I began to do some research online and eventually discovered Hone Health.

I was able to have a blood test kit sent directly to my doorstep so that I could mail in a blood sample. The process was a breeze and in a short amount of time, I received my results.

I wasn’t surprised to find out that my testosterone levels were very low. My total testosterone levels were at 400 and my free testosterone was only 6.

I finally had a valid explanation for why I had been struggling to gain weight or increase my strength in the gym like I had been trying to do for months. I was around 135lbs at the time and was struggling with basic weight lifting exercises in the gym.

Thankfully I was able to schedule a quick consultation with a virtual doctor through Hone. It was then that I was able to discuss treatment options with my doctor and we determined our next step. Instead of jumping straight into testosterone injections, we agreed to begin with a Clompihene prescription.

My prescription began to arrive in the mail monthly. I never once have had to step into a doctor's office or pharmacy during this process.

A few months after my first consult, I was already beginning to notice major differences in my body. I was gradually beginning to gain some good weight and my strength levels were seeing noticeable increases. I also began to sleep like a rock and have been able to get a solid 7-8 hours nightly on a consistent basis.

By the time month 6 rolled around, I had jumped up to 190lbs and tripled my strength. I went from barely being able to bench 30lb dumbbells to being able to rep 90lb dumbbells. All of my major exercises such as Squat/Deadlift/Bench saw similar increases.

As of my most recent blood test, my testosterone levels are around 1,100 and my free testosterone is sitting at 21.

I often have people telling me that I look like I work a lot. This is something totally new for somebody like me who has been the skinny kid all of his life. I almost can’t believe it, but the numbers don’t lie.

I have had 4 or 5 consultations now and some adjustments have been made to my treatment. I have since added anastrozole into the mix, along with the continued use of clomiphene, so that we can keep my estrogen levels under control.

One thing that has remained true during the past year and a half of working with Hone is the fact that I look and feel stronger than I ever have in my life.

My confidence is through the roof and I never struggle to stay motivated to hit the gym or accomplish any of my goals.

Hone has made a world of difference for me. I am proud to say that I went from being a scrawny guy with low confidence to an absolute beast with no fear of defeat.

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Before and after photos 📸

Photos on the left were taken on 04/26/2022

Photos on the right were taken on 08/24/2023

This is my 485 day transformation










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