
Photo Credit : Andrew Kerr Photography (Me)

Three years ago I met the woman I am going to ask to marry me. We had a whirlwind romance, and although I would love to tell you it was a fairytale, we had the ups and downs that life throws at us all. In a few short weeks I will be getting down on both knees, as the man who is not ashamed to say, is desperate to love her and be loved by her, for the rest of our lives.

People say, "No one should complete you. You should be complete on your own."

I find that to be such self-centered and narcissistic trash, that I never entertain anyone who spouts it.

She does complete me. She is my sunshine in the day and my bright moon at night. I feel like breathing is a chore without her, and I feel a little out of control when she is busy or out of touch for extended periods.

Today's culture teaches us to be disconnected from each other as if it is some kind of sin to rely on someone. While I am sure I could fabricate some sort of self-reliant happiness where I wouldn’t need my baby as much as I do...

My question is, "Why would I want to."

What kind of relationship do you have if the person you claim to love is expandable?

I deplore toxic jealousy, but both myself and my angel are territorial, and rightfully so... again, I ask ...

What kind of relationship do you have if you don't worry that someone may take somehow convince your most precious treasure to leave?

Now again, this is not to be confused with abusive and toxic jealousy, which is aggressive and violent, but a little twinge of uncertainty proves desire.

I would not trust a person who claims to never want to lose me but doesn't care if they ultimately do. Such a one is generally so self-absorbed that they wouldn’t notice if I left any way.

I love hearing "Honey, who was that?" and knowing that she is feeling a little insecure, which then provides me the opportunity as her lover and protector to reassure her that she is the only one for me. It also provides me the opportunity to protect her heart.

These days of self-reliance rob relationships of romance and pledges of devotion.

A little insecurity is not a bad thing in a relationship... it implies value in the person you are with... neurotic insecurity is toxic, but a little insecurity lets the person you love know that you don't want to lose them.

There are, however, boundaries, never argue or escalate your insecurity... express it when it is small and cute. As soon as an insecurity is compounded and festering with imaginings of infidelity, then you must know that it is no longer a healthy territorial feeling.

When I get down on my knees, I will do it as a sinner begging a saint for absolution. She with our collective kids is the best part of my life, and I want to make it permanent.

So now I'd like the ladies' opinions...

Would you accept a Swarovski crystal engagement ring and a diamond wedding ring?

My thought is that the Swarovski sparkles brighter than a diamond but keep in mind she is very traditional.

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