FITS 2023: Sibiu International Theatre Festival (Part 4)

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While I have a fixed schedule for the travel and gaming posts which should go up on my blog strictly on Friday (Travel) and on Monday (Gaming), when it comes to picking my post for Wednesdays, there are always lots of mixed thoughts.

Not that I don't know what to share but quite the opposite as there are a lot of posts that could serve for many communities and from various categories. Even if I would create a post for every single day of the week, there would still not be enough days for all the different subjects and experiences I want to cover. And that was tested a while ago when I was posting daily until I ended up with a beautiful burnout.

Anyway, it's been a long while since my latest FITS share and since FITS 2024 has already been announced and have a few shows sold out from the first minutes the tickets were put on sale, I thought this is a good excuse to share one more part from this beautiful and unique experience I got to live in 2023.

As the title suggests, this is the 4th part of the show and there are 3 more incoming, so I'll avoid repeating myself what's everything about but send you on here to read more in case you are not familiar with one of Romania's largest street theater shows.

22. Sweet Orcs


The first show I'd like to begin today's edition with is these two big and colourful guys that even if at first might seem more dedicated for the younger audience, they did a pretty good job interacting with both adults and kids, stirring smiles, laugher, and what's more important... reminding about the inner kid that each one of us should keep alive inside no matter what the age number is.

They like entitling themselves as orcs, but from my knowledge orcs present a way more serious and scary appearance which is a good lesson that with a bit of imagination, you can get a new perspective on these creatures.


Click on the images to see them in full resolution

The Spain team is actually a travelling couple who love meeting new people and have shows in the whole world. And even if their show is not a complex one but rather a short walk through the audience where they improvise interactions depending on the audience's reaction and answers, they still do a pretty great job making someone's day brighter and happier.

Duration: 40 min
Premiere date: 02.03.2022
Original name: Sweet Orcs

23. Les Dodos


Next up, we have a similar show which is funny, as it took place on the same day as Sweet Orcs, but where, this time the costumes let the actors' faces be seen. So while in the case of Sweet Orcs we have no idea who was behind the show, this time things are different.

The idea behind the show was pretty alike, with a parade on the main street of the center of the town where the two men interacted with the audience, but what surprised me was to see the neutral faces which showed how well the men can have control in front of so many people.


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Perhaps you already figured that out based on the costumes of the men, but they play the role of two explorers riding two giant dodos who enjoy travelling the world in search of new tribes, cultures, traditions, political leanings and what not.

Duration: 45 min
Premiere date: 13.01.2012
Original name: Les Dodos

24. We are three!


The Argentinian team brought a unique show for FITS and sadly, even though we were there before the show started and we could pick our seats, we failed to realise which direction they would look towards the most since we were sitting in a circle.

Hence why, I have lots of regrets for making it to the wrong position and only admire their show from one side which might not make much sense through the pictures, but at least I had the honour to see these two both on stage but also in the position of a family which impressed me the most.


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Even if the show did bring some laughter, the main story is an emotional one presenting that with a bit of imagination and gravity, every single object from a room can have a soul and a story, often reproducing bodies from random clothing pieces.

Duration: 30 min
Premiere date: 23.01.2022
Original name: NOSO3

25. We are different from you!


On a similar note, there was another couple still from Argentina who perhaps knew the team before as I noticed them speaking before the show and even taking care of the children of the two while sitting in the audience. Spotting both teams as artists and families made me say Hats off, Argentina!

Being also from Argentina and a team made of a couple was not the single thing in common, but actually parts of the shows too as they focused on lots of acrobatics as well, with many risks to be taken into consideration.


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The whole story behind the show this time, was to present that being different is not always easy or understandable, sending us to all the people who had to hide their identity in order to express themselves. Hence why, along with the comedy part of the show, there are also moments like a man wearing a dress and a woman being almost bold while wearing a costume, such as clothing or styles are not what should define a human being.

Duration: 50 min
Premiere date: 18.04.2021
Original name: OVEJA NEGRA

26. Hang on if you can


Another duo that I wish I could watch for more than 45 minutes as the show lasted, were these two who did a great job stirring people's curiosity late at night.

Most of the shows which are present at FITS in general involve comedy as there is no better way to catch someone's interest other than through smiles and laugher, and these two did an awesome job with their representation.


Click on the images to see them in full resolution

The main tools of the show were the balls these two were playing with while juggling, but everything was a lot more than that representing how important friendship is in a relationship between two as there are many moments when you can free fall but once you have a person to share the whole emotion with, everything becomes easier. They even had a moment of free interaction with the audience while walking around, drinking randomly water from someone, rotating my cap on the head, dancing with people from the audience and a lot more.

Duration: 45 min
Premiere date: 24.02.2018
Original name: Hang on if you can

27. Adventures on Planet Love


A show that sadly I can't say that I enjoyed as much as the others was the Belgian Trio which was hard to understand by the whole audience.

They shared the story behind the show as trying to present the diversity within romantic dates, their challenges and preconceptions through acrobatics and dancing.


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They had their representation just 3 months away since the show was created, so I'll put the disappointment and lack of professionalism on this thought since they definitely need to work more on the whole show in order to send their message to the audience, but overall, I was happy to see a show from Belgium as well.

Duration: 25 min
Premiere date: 23.03.2023
Original name: Adventures on planet love

28. Rhythm in Motion


Now, moving to some dancing moments, there was this team from Israel who managed to gather lots of people in front of the stage in just a few seconds since the show began.

Dance and music are two things that perhaps everyone enjoys in this world, so there is no better way to share stories and emotions than mixing the two, and this team combined perfectly many styles of dancing accompanied by some awesome live music.


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Some of the different styles I remember being present in the show were body percussion, tap, hip-hop, breakdancing, electro, and many more. The non-verbal movements took the audience through many moods while living as one and the same heart for a couple of minutes.

Duration: 50 min
Premiere date: 07.11.2015
Original name: Sheketak - Rhythm in Motion

29. The brass band from Cozmeşti


And last but not least, I couldn't have this part of FITS come to an end other than with a local show. This is actually a band that also participated in the previous FITS editions which usually doesn't happen, but along with the multicultural shows, being a Romanian festival some local shows are being repeated yearly.

Their show is mainly focusing on music and dance while the band plays live gipsy music.


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Personally, I've never been a fan of gipsy music, but this is something that managed to conquer hearts all around the globe and it's appreciated more than some would believe despite the bad reputation gipsy people have in general. So while I'm not able to share too many thoughts about the overall show, keep in mind that this is a band that was created more than 120 years ago and professionalism is at its home when it comes to live music.

Duration: 45 min
Premiere date: 28.06.2023
Original name: Ina Chiriac și Fanfara de la Cozmești

This post represents the 4th part of FITS 2023 and the events and shows I managed to attend on the 4th and 5th days of the festival. There are a few more parts coming up in the following period as the festival lasts for 10 days in total. But until they are all set up and posted, you can check down below the past editions of FITS.

FITS 2023 posts:

FITS 2022 posts:


Gabriela Travels is the FOUNDER of "Festival Mania" who started this community from the passion of attending various festivals and with the purpose of encouraging more people to explore festivals all around the world and share their experiences. At the same time, Gabriela is an independent Graphic Design Freelancer since 2019 completing over 600+ orders in this time and collaborating with various businesses and people from all over the globe. Additonally, Gabriela has her own corner on the internet since 2017 where she writes various articles for her blog, the most popular being the travel ones (300+ articles written on this field), but also abording other topics as well, like game reviews, movie and series reviews, photography posts, cooking recipes and more, boosting the total number of articles written to 650+ blog posts. Gabriela is also a gamer since she was 11 years old and gaming remains one of her biggest passions along with traveling, editing, cooking, and doing various sports activities.

~ @GabrielaTravels ~

Let's keep in touch:
Discord: GabrielaTravels

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