FITS 2022: Sibiu International Theatre Festival (Part 2)

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With a great trip freshly taken yesterday and with I and my family meeting the mountains again in a long while, my passion for writing is still focused on the last year's edition of FITS where I experienced some of the best moments of my life which I refuse to keep just for myself but also share them on my blog.

So with the quick mention that Part 1 has been recently released, today's part is more musical and dancing, which made me enjoy it a lot more than the beginning of the festival, also having present one of my Top 3 favourite representations from FITS 2022.

So without making this intro any longer since I already explained what's everything about in my first post, let's take a look of the picks from the 2nd part of FITS 2022:

8. Shakespeare Triptych (Legacy Project)


Just like in the previoust part, as the Romanian representations couldn't be missing, so it happened in the next day when the first show we interacted with was presented by a Romanian students that are studying at one of the most important universities of arts of the country, known as "The National University of Arts".

Even though at first I didn't really understand what the whole show is about since the actors were in a loop walking through the spectators and then repeating some sequences for a while, before following the same walk through the people, I still appreciated their efforts, especially since it was close to 40°C outside and they wore so heavy and thick costumes.


Anyway, since I don't like watching something without understanding what's everything about, I quickly accessed the official FITS app where I've found out that the main theme of the show was LOVE, so there were more characters from different famous theater shows such as: Romeo and Juliet, Richard III and Lady Ann and Falstaff, Mrs. Ford and Mrs. Page.

The characters were basically walking through the spectators until the sound of the gong could be heard and then they would start presenting the sequences of love from each theater show mentioned before. But overall everything felt quite lacking in substance with the same sequences bein in a loop instead of adding some extra ones to catch more attention from the spectators.

Show length: 22 min
Premiere date: 05.05.2022
Original name: Triptic Shakespeare

9. A musical fantasy


The next show was closer to our taste with lots of good music and a bit of dancing too, but most important - plenty of smiles and a great atmosphere. So even if I didn't get the chance to listen to Italian music too often before, I can guarantee that what Grande Cantagiro Barattoli brought in front of was, was a great way to discover music in a different way and also to get to appreciate more the craftsman's efforts.

So, in case you haven't noticed yet, each of the five artists didn't played on just one musical instrument, but actually on at least two or three, creating a whole LIVE concert in the street. While some were focusing more on the vocal instruments, the other ones made sure not to have any instrument missing from a complex mix of different songs, as well as delight the peoples' sight with some muppets connected to them, that were dancing in real time.


The muppets, along with all the ingenious way of connecting more musical instruments to the same body, were part of another talent of the artists, namely to craft unique stuff from simple materials like paper, wood, metal, iron springs, and more.

Both the music presented by Grande Cantagiro Barattoli and the muppets that were part of their costumes are focusing on the old traditions of the country, their songs being about love, hangover and emigration.

Show length: 45 min
Premiere date: 01.03.2022
Original name: Grande Cantagiro Barattoli

10. The Mosaic Sound


Keeping the vibes on the same musical atmosphere and actually just 30 meters away from where we attended the previous show, we discovered another band of talented people that were coming from France this time but which promised us a great show even before starting.

So, even if each of the guys had its well-determined role in the band and knew how to bring smiles to peoples' faces, the man with curly hair was by far my favorite because he never stopped being very expressive and do funny faces along with showing silly dancing movements that added the touch of unicity to this show as well. He actually had its songs written on small cheat sheets that he tried his best to hide from people, and even interacted with a married lady asking her to dance. So I bet you can already imagine how fun their show was.


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The wonderful quartette sung both their original songs but also many covers after famous singles but which were interpreted in cumbia, jazz, ska, calypso and rock styles, turning every melody in a cocktail of moods and sounds that made people want to dance like nobody's watching, ha!

Show length: 45 min
Premiere date: 28.02.2022
Original name: Fissa Papa

11. AAINJAA Says Hello!


Talking about the next show makes me feel like no matter how much I'd try, it would still feel insufficient to get those paragraphs written closer to what we actually felt while being in the crowd.

So I'll begin by saying from the start that the show created by AAINJAA occupies the first place in my Top 3 favorite moments from FITS 2022 and also the first place on the top of concerts/musical shows that I ever attend in my life.. and pay attention because last month I went to the concert of my favorite music artist and this band was still above his representation despite the different feelings and genres I got to experience.


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AAINJAA is a fairly big band with tens of talented artists that even though they didn't have any vocals in their singles, they still managed to bring the biggest crowd to join them and even dance on the Columbian rhythms.

Even people like me who never enjoyed dancing while somebody was watching managed to forget about their shyness and let the sound created by the drums get closer to my heart.

The percussion, dance and theater are the main elements of the samba-reggae songs that make both the artists and the audience move free and hart to stay in a single place. I actually attended their show in two different days just because I couldn't get enough of their energy and honestly, I will feel their missing on FITS 2023. Oh, almost forgot about it, but AAINJAA is considered as the best Batucada in the world so I strongly encourage you to google their name and check some of their songs for a closer feeling of what we experienced back then.

Show length: 50 min
Premiere date: 27.06.2022
Original name: Aainjaa dice Hola

12. Labyrinth of lights


With the day slowly coming to the end and after many kcal burned during the musical shows we decided to take it easier and spend a while at the the Labyrinth of lights organised right in Piata Mare which is the main square and point of interest for anyone who is visiting Sibiu.

I know this doesn't look like one of the common mazes you usually see, being surrounded by tall green bushes and not being able to notice what the right path is, but I've still found it interesting with all the tiny lights that were covering the ground and made anyone struggle to find the right path especially that was covering such a large surface and the single way to figure out what the right way is was from the top, which wasn't possible.


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The labyrinth is composed of 2500 candles and 300 old suitcases but also 8 secret characters that were going to share their story and fascinate the participants when they reached the part where they were waiting.

As interesting as it seemed, I was still not in the mood to actually take part in the game especially since it was taking quite a while to complete it and that would cause the absence from other shows. So for us, it was enough to watch others jump into the game before we were reaching the next show.

Show length: 2 h 30 min
Premiere date: 01.05.2008
Original name: Die große Reise

13. How to fix a light bulb


While there is no perfect way to have a day coming to an end other than with laughter and curious things happening around you, the next show we attended had a bit of every of everything, from circus acrobatics to funny moments and even interactions with the audience.

The guy who created a whole show trying to fix a light bulb in an uncommon way is coming from Israel and managed to gather people at his show of all ages, also interacting with people from each category, remembering about stealing some biscuits from a kid, asking a teenager to help him with his mission of fixing the light bulb, asking for the help of a woman to get undressed and more old man each trying different methods of measuring the size of a table.


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Even though the whole show took place on a fairly small surface and with limited items to use, the man definitely is a professional when it comes to gather attention and make people interested in what is coming up next, adding a pinch of adrenaline while standing either in head or hands on a crazy way to keep balance even on your own feet.

And once again, the art proved that there is no need for words or too much description of the show because some music played in the background along with professional face expressions and tricks would do everything for a great show.

Show length: 45 min
Premiere date: 28.07.2021
Original name: High Light

14. The sound factory

And last but not least, since the day was full of musical shows it was hard to end in a different way, so the very final show of that day was again a musical one. Since it was quite late at night and close to the middle of the night, the show was a bit more chill than the others, with more quality spectators instead of quantity, so I enjoyed every single minute of the show as best as I could.

Despite the life each artist has traveling the world and meeting new spectators daily, this French guy was very shy yet very perfectionist spending more time watching the "musical instruments" instead of the audience.


I added the quotation marks because there were just a few musical instruments while most of the sounds were either created by the noise of a clock, bell, pan, and some other elements that you usually see being used with a completely different purpose.

The genre of the music produced was close to jazz and everything was recorded and controlled via a loop station, but there was also a unique melody showing how the artist feels while thinking about Transylvania and of course, vampires. Everything turned out very chill and beautiful, and I'm happy with all the events held in those 1-2 days from where all those moments were gathered, but lots of cool things are coming up in the next parts of FITS 2022 too! Promise!

Show length: 40 min
Premiere date: 24.06.2018
Original name: L'orchestre imaginaire

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