FITS 2022: Sibiu International Theatre Festival (Part 3)

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With the 30th edition of FITS being just around the corner and with lots of indoor shows being sold out with each passing they, my heart starts beating faster whenever I check the folder from the past year's edition, and of course, write about the shows I had the honor to attended to.

So while the previous post was more musical and dancing, today we are going to take it a bit chiller exploring more branches of art but also end up the day with some more dancing and attending an uncommon exhibition. Shall we begin? :)

15. The wonderful world of Shadows


This is actually one of the shows that we least attended just because it was more interesting for kids rather than adults, but it was still a cool experience reminding us that as long as our parents are alive, we will still be kids even at 60 years old.

Long story short, the whole show was based on projecting a circular light on the wall and bringing different shapes and objects in front of it while moving them to create a story and have some music played in the background.


Just like it happened in most of the other shows, there was no need for words or a narrator as the story was described pretty well visually, and understanding what's everything about was pretty intuitive.

Either way, as I previously said, we just took a break from the other shows staying just a few minutes on this one, and then followed the way back home with big smiles on our faces.

Show length: 35 min
Premiere date: 28.06.2022
Original name: Théâtre du N-ombr’île

16. Rola-Bola


The next show was a lot more entertaining, bringing in front of us two ladies dressed in the style of the 50s who weren't on the stage to present their costumes but to actually show plenty of acrobatics where the balance can become an imbalance in just one second if you are not focussed enough on what you have to do.

But as serious as everything sounds, as funny everything turned out because it was one of those shows where the contenders did mistakes on purpose to make the audience have fun while starring at their representation.


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I actually love this kind of shows where no matter what the efforts are, or what the story behind those people is, the show it's presented in a funny way making people share plenty of different moods and emotions in just a matter of time. And the two ladies definitely did a great job in this sense.

Show length: 30 min
Premiere date: 28.06.2022

17. On chords of... juggling


When it comes to mixing the art of dancing, playing the harp, and also juggling, I bet there is no one doing it better than the guys from Modo Grosso. It was actually the first time hearing a harp in real life so I was a lot more fascinated than I thought while attending the show which was marked with the tag "contemporary circus".

Everything seemed quite relaxing at first but after just a few minutes passed, the guy started dancing and performing the jugglers in a unique way, either while he was moving or during the play on the harp performed by his colleague.

Either way, I think the show could be a bigger success if it had been scheduled at a later time because the heat from the outside was inhumane and also worked against the show making the guy not see the balls while being thrown in the air due to the sun rays. However, I was still happy to see people appreciate their show and efforts and encourage them to return to Romania while they were coming from France and Belgium.

Show length: 25 min
Premiere date: 29.06.2022
Original name: ENTRE-CORDES

18. I was first!


Still during the same heavy meteo conditions, the next show began, presenting a story that is a lot more familiar to us, such as the silent fight we have on the seat from the window, on an empty bench in the park, on a table where to smoke and drink our coffee, or for a free seat in public transport.

So while everyone is used hunting these situations in almost every day of their lives on the way home, to the workplace, or simply on a walk, the emotions we got to feel are a lot deeper starting with the uncomfortable feeling to sit next to a stranger, share the space with random people, or having to chat with someone for the first time.


That's how the Polish ladies from Teatr Migro managed to present a similar situation through dancing, acrobatics, and facial expressions while they suddenly met on the same bench and had to fight for their seat and for the newspaper one of them came with, the whole show ending up in a less anticipated situation but which shown how much the human interaction is sometimes missing.

Show length: 25 min
Premiere date: 29.06.2022
Original name: The Bench

19. Echoes from the past


If the Polish girls from the previous show conquered your heart as it happened to us, keep in mind that this show is also presented by the same talented team, but this time in a larger form and with a louder and more painful story to be shared.

If I would have to sum this up in just a few words I'd say that it's about forgotten people, places and remaining items, but with the mention that we are not talking about an exhibition where you simply walk through things and read their background, because the whole show touched deeper the hearts of the spectators with the actors doing a great job while bringing back to life some images that are parts of different nationalities, cultures, and religions.


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Therefore, the show ended up showing how hard is to leave behind people and stories while being needed to either go to fight in an army, migrate, or simply forget about how your life used to be. A thing that I felt deeper than I thought but which made me think twice before saying I'm not happy with the life I have.

Show length: 50 min
Premiere date: 29.06.2022
Original name: ECHOES

20. The Waltz


Remembering about exhibitions, we ended up seeing one which was actually made possible by a guy who is famous in town with his unique way of presenting common things but seen from a different point of view, which was also able to be visited during the whole period of FITS 2022 just like some other such representations.

The story behind the sculpture deals with the theme of demonstrations and the gatherings of emigrants, a quite popular subject of that time when large amounts of people crossed the border with Romania to run away from the war between Russia and Ukraine.


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The sculpture was made out of 138 different shoes and being placed on some sort of wheel wasn't random as it is the best definition of how a crowd is formed, especially if there are at least two people following the same direction. It is literally impossible not to gather attention and make more people interested to come by and accompany you, pushing for the same interest.

Show length: 24/7
Premiere date: 28.06.2022
Original name: WALZE

21. Baba Karam


The last but not least show of this 3rd part of FITS 2022 was one that I enjoyed a lot even though it wasn't understood or welcomed too nicely by everyone on the first interaction, but it managed to do a great job reuniting everyone in a single dance and show how no matter what your hobbies, sexual orientations or dancing preferences are, music is something that lives within each of us and all we need is a single spark to speak the same language.

As you might already notice, there were present on the stage 2 guys and 2 women, but where each of them came with their own touch and vibe, showing how easy it is to meet new and different people if you all enjoy listening to music and actually feeling it going through your veins.


The name of "Baba Karam" comes from a popular Iranian dance within are also being shared sad stories about that part of the world and how some people were saved from a very mad world by simply listening to music and dancing, which is something pretty sad if you are asking me, but shows how powerful this language of art is when being spoken.

However, if we get deeper into the meaning of the euphoric dance, it's to show the potential of changing people and fulfilling forbidden desires.

Show length: 45 min
Premiere date: 29.06.2022

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