Don't Promise


She could feel his panic. It was normal. This would be kill #376.

Her legs wrapped around his, locking like a vice. Her arms twisted around his neck, across his chiseled jawline and behind his skull in an unbreakable hold. Just a few more seconds and the Cowboy would be dead.

"Sly" was already gone; she had slaughtered Interrogator Slythe just a few days prior. That would leave Dragon, Doll hand, and then she would decide what to do. She had already entered her "retirement", but Susan and this God-forsaken Land of Silence had brought her back into action.

And now Cynthia? What to do with her?

All these random thoughts slithered lazily through her brain, taking their time to stop and smell the roses before they made their impact - as if she hadn't just fought to the death.

Death. Right. Next step.

His struggle had stopped, but she knew better than to walk away from a body. With agility and speed, she snapped his neck to ensure that the deed was complete.

Normally, she would cover her tracks. Hide the body. Remove any clues.

But this time? She wanted to send a message: She was coming for them too. Standing up after dumping the dead weight to the side, she headed towards the window. Without looking back at him, she spoke aloud, emotionless. "Bye Bye, Cowboy."

"But Kella!!!! It's bad!!!!!!"

Kella cradled her forehead into her open palms. She thought that Cynthia would have been happy to know that the men who tried to hurt her were gone. But she was obsessed with sparing their worthless lives. Well, the two that remained.

"Cynthia, they needed to..."

"No! Kella! It's bad!!!!"

"I understand how you feel, but..."


"Alright Cynthia! Enough!"

The big, glassy eyes of the baby-faced teenager began to fill with tears.

You've got to be kidding me.

"I'm sorry. I didn't mean to yell."

Cynthia buried her face into Kella's shoulder. The assassin stiffened briefly. She wasn't used to any kind of display of physical affection, or the need for touchy-feely comforting, but she found herself reaching around to the young girl's back and patting it akwardly.

"Ok. I'm sorry. Just stop crying, alright?"

The girl took the opportunity of Kella's vulnerability to attack and demand. "I'll stop crying if you promise not to make anyone dead anymore!"

Kella hesitated a moment and was immediately rewarded with another round of sobs, emanating from the mouth of her blackmailer. "Stop crying, Cynthia!"

Cynthia looked up instantly, sucking back the deluge of tears. "You promise then? No more making anyone dead?"

She wouldn't. She couldn't. "It's time for bed, Cynthia."

I loved writing this story. But as always, I most enjoy wondering what the reader will speculate as it continues. It was originally meant to be a stand-alone piece, but I decided to write more, spin it, flip it, and gently shove the reader down the rabbit hole. Hope you'll enjoy the fall. 😏 More tomorrow.

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