Don't Hide


"I said they're gone, Susan. Are you really going to make me come in there and get you?"

The bedroom was silent. No movement. No scuffle. No footsteps. Kella inhaled deeply. She had come here to forget. She had carefully chosen this move to live a different life. And this woman was ruining everything.

She swore under her breath and stalked towards the bedroom, opening the door harshly.

What she saw stopped her short. Susan had crawled under the bed to hide. Her arm and hair were still visible. But just like a child, she imagined that Susan thought if she couldn't see out - no one could see in.

Kella felt her throat tighten. What had they done to this poor, frightened woman? She knelt down on the floor and reached her hand out slowly, stopping just short of touching the trembling hand. Swallowing hard, she continued gently.

"Susan, you're safe now. They're gone."

Her timid little rabbit turned to face her. Her eyes were already rimmed in red, tears pouring in rivulets down her cheeks. "Kella. They're going to kill me."

"What do you mean 'they' are? You told me about one. That's why I made sure to be in HIS interrogation room. You told me Slythe."

"I don't know them all. But I think there were 5. I remember." She looked through Kella and shuddered, as if remembering terror. "One time. There was 5."

She started shaking, clearly at the memory of being used as a plaything for 5 men. In that moment, Kella knew there would be no peace found in this world. She set her intention to leave, but only after she made each of them pay for shattering the mind of this broken child-woman.

Susan eased her way out from under the bed. Standing up, she wrapped her arms around the waist of her protector and pressed her head against her shoulder. Though Kella wanted to comfort her, she felt awkward returning the embrace. As an assassin, physical touch was normally only intended to end a life, not restore one. She had spent years blocking off that tender part of her heart. But once again, her heart stirred to protect Susan. She lifted her rough hands and patted the top of Susan's head, a bit clumsily.

Susan broke out into laughter, despite the tension and fear that threatened to consume her.

She pulled back, staring into the eyes of the brave woman before her. "I take it you don't hug much."


"That's alright. Thanks for letting me hug you then." She inhaled deeply, her breath still quivering with emotion. "Can I come back tomorrow?"

Kella cocked her eyebrow. "You can stay the night. You'll be safe here."

"Thank you. Really." Susan put on a bright smile, and tried to infuse her expression with as much bravery that she could summon. "But I told Cynthia I'd be coming here after work, and she'll be expecting me home. Ever since our mom died - I'm all that she has. She's the reason why I knew I had to tell you. She had.... an experience last week with an Interrogator. I can't let her become like me, Kella. They didn't hurt her yet, but I know they're going to. I'll bring her back here tomorrow, ok? She has more information that she can share."

The hair on Kella's neck stood up. She knew this was a bad idea, but she also knew that nothing would deter Susan from protecting her younger sister.

"Don't go to work tomorrow, Susan. Call off. Bring Cynthia here and we'll go from there."

"Alright. Thank you, Kella."

The next day, Susan's body was found in the river.

Kella didn't cry. She didn't feel anything - except the calm confidence that the world would be rid of five more predators. Soon.

I loved writing this story. But as always, I most enjoy wondering what the reader will speculate as it continues. It was originally meant to be a stand-alone piece, but I decided to write more, spin it, flip it, and gently shove the reader down the rabbit hole. Hope you'll enjoy the fall. 😏 More tomorrow.

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