Don't Think


She admired the smooth surface of the blade handle.

Testing the weight and balance expertly, she maneuvered it into place. She winced momentarily. Had she given any sign of her skill?

Her gaze glided directly into the eyes of the man across the table. Her secret was safe. The lofty arrogance of the Interrogator outweighed his pitiful observation skills.

Taking her time to consider her Actions, she reminisced over the previous months of her life in this silent state.

Her intent had been to leave that part of her life behind. It was the sole reason for moving here - the escape of her past.

If no questions were asked, then - no answers were needed. Silence was gloriously golden.

The insubordinate act that afforded her these unfortunate circumstances could have been avoided. She chose to willingly subject herself to these proceedings based on a gut feeling and protective instincts. Based on the outcome of this meeting, she would be required to act. At best, she would lose a bit of flesh. At worst, the town would come to understand why she preferred silence.

Nothing had been revealed, and it was time for her decision.

Hm. What do I need it for, anyway?

She flipped the blade into the air out of old habit. The Interrogator watched it intently as it flipped base to tip several times. It ascended, hit the peak and then returned perfectly into her expectant palm.

While he had been watching the blade, she had been studying him.

The moment the handle returned to her palm, she opened her mouth and held the tip of her tongue, sacrificial skin extended one inch beyond her lips. The sharpened blade would make quick work of the deed. Adrenaline would mask the pain for now, but the healing would bring a most tender throbbing.

Her extraordinary brain slowed down time. Each second stretched into micro-observations. Each slowing heartbeat punctuated a hyper-awareness, assessing the situation. Unlike her peers, she had always been able to maintain a steady calmness in the final moments.

Today was no different.

The cut - just barely enough to recognize the metallic taste of the liquid filling her mouth.

The look - had he kept the expression of haughty superiority from his predatorial eyes, his fate might not have been sealed.

The reversal.

She had assessed all she needed and become judge, jury, and executioner. The accusations had been true. Before his eyes could register the alarm sounding in his brain, she had pounced.

A handful of his hair twisted in her grasp. Two swift actions: Yanking the head to the left, exposing the rapid pulse in his jugular and gliding the blade effortlessly.

She thought, but didn't speak. After all, actions were the more valuable currency here.

A sign of her commitment had been required, and so a sign had been given. This bloody display would usher her into a new era, or a return her to the old- she wasn't certain.

One thing was certain - this particular Interrogator wouldn't use his authority to manipulate one more young girl into performing his filthy "Actions of Compliance".

Before making her exit, she leaned over the victim to collect the blood-spattered dossier, compiled with every bit of information she had freely given upon arrival.

Before closing the manila folder, she spied the words that the Interrogator should have taken much more seriously.

Applicant's former occupation:


I loved writing this story. But as always, I most enjoy wondering what the reader will speculate as it continues. It was originally meant to be a stand-alone piece, but I decided to write more, spin it, flip it, and gently shove the reader down the rabbit hole. Hope you'll enjoy the fall. 😏 More tomorrow.

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