I Hate the Idiomic of Time Perspective

It's odd like a Teletubby in your mouth.

It's a tornado of things like thugs in your mouth.

It gets you and breaks you while you are hungry.

Here are random writings and mostly quotes from the Forest Grove High School Girl's Basketball Team during my 2003-2004 Senior Year of high school. I was a manager for the team. I would write articles for classmates and include quotes in them.


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I Hate the Idiomic of Time Perspective

Oatmeal Daily - 2020-12-17 - Thursday
Published in December of 2020

2004-02-03 - FGHS - Drama 2 - I Hate the Idiomic of Time Perspective, Men Basketball Roster & Joe Cool, Steals.png

2004-02-03 - FGHS - Drama 2 - I Hate the Idiomic of Time Perspective, Men Basketball Roster & Joe Cool

By Oatmeal Joey Arnold

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