My January Garden journal update and recap of 2023 season

Happy New year dear Gardeners! This is my first Garden Journal post about my garden in this year.

Of course now it's a lazy season due to the cold weather and snow outside. But in my garden house and in my home plants are still growing.
Let's start from my garden house. Cactus is still neighboring with Pomegranate which is still blooming and waiting when it can be polluted.

Aloe and violet also green even with strong frosts which in this months turned lower than -20 degrees.

Now let's move to my main house where orchids are also blooming. Money tree gave new sprout.

So as you can see it's still lazy season, but in February I think I'll start to plant seedlings of tomatoes, egg plants and papers. And then my garden will reborn.

Now little recap of my 2023 season. First garden journal post I wrote in March when I just planted seedlings and described how my plants survived in previous winter. And could to cut branches of apple trees.

Then in April update I described how first flowers started to bloom in my garden

Also in April I tried to graft sweet cherry trees. But as time show due to the late spring frosts it was unsuccessful. In May I wrote about my friend's garden.

And also I wrote about my own garden in two parts

In May all was already green and blooming but unfortunately early mentioned late spring frosts damaged my plants.
In June started to bloom blackberry, strawberry and jasmine. Also I planted my seedlings in greenhouse .

In July I wrote about strawberry, cherry and currants harvest. Also I started to pick up raspberries and cucumbers in July.
In September and October were a lot of flowers, tomatoes and pumpkins

Also I started to prepare my garden to 2024 season. And in November already
fall first snow
in my region and I finished my active garden season. And collected last harvest.

And finally in December post I already posted about my indoor flowers and plants. So as you can see 2023 season was intensive and active for me. It was reach enough for harvest, berries and flowers. And I hope that 2024 will joy me and my family. That's all for now. Stay tuned yours @travoved

P.s. This is my entry for Garden Journal Challenge And you still have time to participate in it!

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