My own Garden journal June update

Good day dear mates! So it's time to continue my garden journal. I hope June update become also attractive for you as it was with the my May posts which you could read earlier or may read now here the first part of my May garden journal and also here is the second one part of my May garden journal.


Of course May was not constant with it's weather and even frost at night but fortunately it's June already and my plants continuing to grow. Now let me tell you more detail how is it going in my garden now!

First of all I need to mention that all spring flowers already faded. But jasmine just started to bloom couple days ago.




Also in the past days, I finally found the time to uproot the stump left from the old apple tree.


It took me more then 2 hours to dig out first it to find it's root's which were holding it.
Fortunately, the tree was not planted very deep and its root system was developed to the sides and not in depth.
After I chopped the roots I used a crowbar to split the stump apart and then pulled it out piece by piece.



Now in it's place I planted blackcurrant bushes.


And if I have already mentioned currants, then it is worth saying that berries have already formed on the previously planted bushes and the whole family is waiting for them to ripen.


Just a week ago, Japanese quince began to bloom.


Fruits have also already formed on the sweet cherry.


However, I need to protect the tree from aphids that are trying to attack it and this is one of the important tasks for me for the coming days!


In addition, we decided that we need to expand the range of cherry varieties and we bought new trees for planting, which will soon be planted in a new place.


Now let's move on to blueberries. It is still blooming and I expect a good harvest of berries this year. I hope this year the summer will be warm and they will ripen in August.


Spinach and other greens planted in spring are actively growing and we are already fully adding them to salads and other meals when cooking




Tomatoes and cucumbers planted in a greenhouse have successfully taken root.


Early varieties planted first are already starting to bloom.


However, cucumbers grow unevenly, and if some varieties have already put out leaves and given a few leaves, others have just crawled out of the ground.


But I hope they catch up soon and continue to grow evenly.


It's also time for the blackberries to bloom in my garden. Due to the fact that in the fall he performed pruning and fertilized the bushes this year they bloom profusely.



Blackberry seedlings that I mentioned in the previous post are still waiting in the wings to be planted in a permanent place.

Manchurian walnut flower buds as it turned out unfortunately was strongly damaged by night frosts in May and this year I'm afraid that we won't see any nuts on it.


Strawberries planted near the Manchurian walnut started blooming last week.


In addition to everything I prepared a separate bunch for new varieties that I have already begun to plant.





And here you can see just planted new strawberry seedlings


Unfortunately, I still haven’t had time to prune the old neglected vine bushes, but in the next 5 days I need to do this, otherwise I won’t have time to do it before it blooms and then it will negatively affect the further quality of the grape.

And finally, it is worth to mention that I also uprooted a suddenly dried up cherry plum tree about it I wrote in my May garden journal update post here you can see it's roots.


That's all for June now I think dear friends. But if something interesting will happen with me in gardening area I'll tell you immediately!
Stay tuned! Yours @travoved!
All images in this post were taken by me!

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