My March garden update

Good day dear mates! @travoved is here!
The spring has come again to my region! And it means that it's time for new gardening season.

In this post I'd like to share with you my march garden update. First of all I'd like to tell you that I started planting tomatoes seeds. I prepared for it ground and new pots. This year I didn't have time to prepare the soil as I usually do, so I had to use the soil I bought from a nearby garden store. It's good that it is close to my house and I didn't have to spend a lot of time on it. Seedling pots were also bought from this store as they were on a good discount.


Also I bought seeds of different tomatoes varieties. This year I chose both regular and determinate varieties.


When the ground was laid in pots and sufficiently well moistened, I put tomato seeds there and also covered them with ground on top.


And now, putting the pots on the windowsill, I'm waiting for the first shoots to appear. Hope it will happen very soon because not only me but and other my family members are waiting for it. In my opinion it can happen on next week or maybe a little bit later if we follow the correct temperature regime and also follow the schedule for watering and irrigating the soil.


After it I had some free time to rest a little bit and to drink hot tea with cakes!


Now let's move on! A few days ago I also visited my home garden. The weather was rainy. But the snow still covers my shrubs and plants. Here you can see raspberry,





and blueberry bushes under the snow.


In addition, seedlings of roses, new varieties of blueberries, cranberries, strawberries and blackberries prepared since autumn are waiting in the greenhouse when I can to plant then to their new places.

Here you can see prepared seedlings of blueberries and cranberries



And in this spots I prepared strawberries.


Here is new variety of blackberry in this spot is waiting it's time to be planted in it's new place in my garden.


In this spots I prepared new roses seedlings. If I'm not wrong here yellow and red roses were planted.



Hope both plants will wake up normally after this unusual winter with it's strange weather. And as soon as the snow melts and the earth warms up enough, I will definitely plant them in the ground.

So Let's move again outside to my garden where I also decided to cut old apple trees branches.


As you can see there was a lot of old branches which I decided to cut. After they are shredded I use them for mulching and composting.


That's all for now. I hope that I'll have enough time to publish my garden updates in current season (Crosses fingers 😉 (c)) and to tell you how are growing my plants.

Stay tuned! Yours @travoved!
All images in this post were taken by me! All right reserved!

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