[Minecraft] Sevtech: Ages of the Sky #0 - Intro and playlist post

Hello gamers and Minecraft lovers!

Welcome to my series of...


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This will be a new Minecraft modpack that I will start playing on my account here on Hive. Some of you may be familiar with it some may not, so let me explain briefly what is it about.

Sevtech: Ages of The Sky is a Skyblock based modpack, very similiar to the original Sevtech: Ages, where you start with basically nothing (caveman age) and progress through the different sets of ages until space age(I think).

The cool thing is that you gradually unlock stuff as you progress, so you're not overwhelmed with all the items and things that the 250+ mods provide you.

Here are the episodes and links as follows.

If an episode is out it will turn blue and the link will be activated.

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