[Minecraft] SevTech: Ages of the Sky #7 - Mobproof Island


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Episode #7 - Mobproof Island

Hello everyone, welcome to another episode of SevTech: Ages of The Sky!

Today I did a lot of crafting, so much in fact that my Work Stump actually broke down. I didn't know thats even possible. 😄


I finished the furnace and cooking area.

It's just 2 of the beginner furnaces and in the middle it's a grill that I can use to place multiple pieces of meat. (maybe other stuff as well, but I haven't tried that yet.)


The smoke particles here look like they are on the grill, but it's just how I took the shot. 😅


If you press F7 you can see these yellow and red crosses around the blocks everywhere. This means that wherever there is one of them it's a possible place for monsters to spawn.

With the lack of doors in the current age it's probably a good idea for me to start placing torches all over the place, so a creeper doesn't just walk into my base and accidentally blow everything up...


These are the 2nd tier of torches that we have at this point, they can't be hung on the wall, but provide a lot of light which is still a plus and are a lot better than the basic ones.


Here you can see how many places are actually mob-spawnable blocks...


I got bored from crafting at some point and decided to work on my Moon race-landing flag. I know it's still very far into the future of the series, but why not make it now. 😉

I didn't know what to draw so I picked the Bulgarian flag :)


The HiveTech Cavemen will conquer the moon one day!


After getting the flag done I came back to the task at hand. I was gonna need so many sticks to craft the torches, so I quickly went to chop most of the trees on the island... (Don't worry, I promise to replant 😁)


And after about an hour of chopping down trees and crafting torches, I finally managed to cover all the yellow and red spots. No agressive mobs should be able to spawn now.

The only place that was left out was the dirt hut, but this will be easy job.


Here are some images of the view from high up.



Thanks for stopping by and checking out my content, I really enjoy playing this modpack and the progression type of things. See you in the next episode ;)

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