[Minecraft] SevTech: Ages of the Sky #1 - Sticks & Stones

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Episode #1 - Sticks & Stones

Allright everybody, Welcome to my series I hope you will enjoy this kind of content.

Soo.... We started on an island that was a lot bigger than what I was expecting, but it's just normal considering the amount of stuff that we have in this pack.


Also here is the "Tutorial" Advancements page, pretty impressive I think ;)


I noticed there are other islands scattered around the void, so in future episodes we will definetely explore these.


Okay, night time is coming very soon and I still haven't started doing anything, so it's a good idea to get going.

First we need to collect grass which gives us grass fiber and we can use it to make twines.


Also we can't just make wooden tools and start mining cobblestone. First we need to collect these stones from the ground.



I've noticed that we have the nutrition mod, which is pretty cool in my opinion.

It gives more uses to food in Minecraft and you have to watch what you eat and diversify your meals.


Quickly after I also started collecting sticks by breaking leaves of the trees, because I couldn't find any on the ground at first sight and I didn't want to spend too much time wandering around.


After collecting some stones from the ground I placed the in the default 2x2 crafting grid and that gave me gravel. I will use this later with a grass fibre mesh to extract flint, which will be the material for our first set of tools.



The thing is that you can't directly use flint to make tools. First it needs to be smashed into a hard surface(stone) to get flint shards.


I've noticed that as I was walking around and getting resources around the island I kept dropping some the stuff for some reason.

Later I realized that these items are still "locked" and I need to progress further to be able to use them.


I quickly combined the stuff needed and boom. We have our first tool. The Flint Hatchet ! Yay.


Aaand It was about time for the sun to set down. Cool, but I didn't have any shelter yet, so I quickly headed for the hole I dug earlier and expanded it a bit.

This will be my shelter for now, just like in the old noob days in Minecraft ;)



There wasn't much to do in this hole of ours and since this is SkyBlock I couldn't just go mining on the first night like I normally do in unmodded.. (not that I had the tools to anyways ... :D)

So instead of mining I focused on getting some advancements complete and crafting ourselves some useful things in the process.


Here we have the chopping block which is used to break logs into planks with an axe.


After that I created the Wood Stump. It is a early game workbench that works a bit different that your normal workbench in Minecraft.


So I spend like a good 10 minutes here in the hole, reading through the advancements and the recipes needed to craft stuff, so I got bored and decided. Hey, why not go out in the night time and look for more stuff? Great idea which I will regret very soon... 😂


As this is SkyBlock and the spawn area for mobs is limited due to the limited amount of blocks all the bad mobs that could spawn were on my island. Good stuff...


I tried running away, but instead of going back to my hole I just randomly ran into a different direction and soon met my unfortunate(but expected) death.😁


The good news is that this modpack has the grave mod, which stores all your items in a grave block and it gives you a compass that shows you exactly where you died and you can just go and get your stuff back. Very neat :)



I quickly got my stuff and ran back into the hole.

Here I crafted a tool that I can't really remember the name of..sorry ( It's either a tomahawk or an axe.)



And It was about time for Mr.Sun to shine back upon the world and I was greeted at my entrance from a Dire Wolf which I quickly took care of ;)


This is everything for the first episode of this playthrough guys. I hope you enjoyed this type of content and If you did please let me know down in the comments. See ya next time :)

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