2024-08-09 - Hive Inbox - Adding new APIs as per Apple's suggestions

Hello Hive Community Members,

Welcome to daily updates from @sagarkothari88 - a Hive Witness & mobile-app-developer.
This is daily updates of self-funded projects which inclues many projects as listed below.

  • Hive Inbox
  • Vote for Witness (in pipeline)
  • The Hive Mobile App(https://the-hive-mobile.app)
  • Hive Stats for any hive user (in pipeline)
  • Donate page for any hive user (in pipeline)
  • Hive Curators Community(@hivecurators)
  • Curation Bot for Hive Curators Community
  • Hive Power Gift Bot for Hive Curators community
  • Witness node for Hive Blockchain
  • Additional Developers for such self-funded-projects to move at fast pace
  • Running 12 Powerful video encoding nodes for 3Speak & Hive community members
  • Running VSC node

Project: Hive Inbox

As stated in yesterday's post, App was rejected by Apple & they demanded couple of changes in the application.

Deploying new APIs

Deploying new APIs

  • Today, we developed & deployed new APIs on the backend of Hive Inbox Application.
  • These APIs will be used only on iOS Mobile App.
  • Even on Front-end, we'll branch-out from main branch only to implement these changes for iOS Platform.
  • With this, we'll make sure that we don't add these changes on any other platform.

Updating User collection

users data collection

  • We updated user's collection
  • Added these two attributes banned & bannedReason
  • In these we'll simply set banned = true & bannedReason = Account Deleted
  • With this, we'll be in position to tell if account is deleted or not

Adding new Data collection for reporting

collection to report

  • We'll have to maintain data which is reported
  • It includes both posts & users
  • As stated in screenshot above, we've added 2 collections in our database.

Adding new API end-points

added new end-points

  • We added new end-points as listed below.
  • POST - /report-user - To report a user
  • GET - /reported-users - To get all reported users
  • POST - /report-post - To report a post
  • GET - /reported-posts - To get all reported posts.
  • Now, I'm also thinking to add couple of more attributes on these data sets - reported by whom, when, why.
  • With those, we'll be able to keep a track of why something was reported.
  • These APIs are deployed.

What's Next?

  • Now, we'll work on front-end.
  • We'll create a separate branch for iOS app.
  • These changes will be mostly related to AppStore submission.
  • Once changes are done on front-end, we'll do thorough testing.
  • After testing, we're aiming to ship it to AppStore next week. Wish us luck.

My contributions on projects on Hive Blockchain

my contributions part-one

my contributions part-two

Rewarding Hive Content Creators

  • I support several contests hosted by different communities.
  • I reward them with Hive-Power-up for the contribution that they have made on communities on Hive.
  • We keep transferring portion of hive power to different users on Hive for encouraging them for their contribution on Hive.
  • Those who respond to our replies, we also reward them with different tokens like PIZZA, BEER
  • We sent power up to these people - @jlufer, @reachdreams, @duskobgd, @blanca56, @duvinca, @karbea, @manuelgil64, @milaan, @edith-4angelseu

hive power up report

Dedicated Resources for Hive Eco-System

Resource NameResource DescriptionApprox Cost of ResourceStatus
Hive WitnessHive Witness Node$50
VSCRunning a VSC witness node$5
Discord BotHive Curators Discord Bot Node$5
HP RewardsHive Curators HP reward Bot Node$5
12 NodesPowerful video encoder nodes for 3Speak $30 on average$360
Bandwidth3 internet connections$50
DistriatorHive-Distriator Backend node$50
Community ContributorsRewarding community contributors in INR$60
Additional DevelopersAdditional Contributing Developers$1500

Curation Report for 2024-08-09


  • If you don't like tagging you under curation report, let me know in comment section & I'll exclude you from the curation report.
  • If you think that I should not attach curation report in the post, let me know in the comment section.

We've curated total 26 & motivated content creators for their contributions on Hive.

🧑‍💻 Author📝 Post❤️ HiveCurator👥 Community
@josediccus@josediccus/surviving-unsurvivable-ordeals--57u@nkemakonam89The City of Neoxian
@solominer@solominer/returning-wild-flowers-macro-photography@mysteriousroadPhotography Lovers
@tattoodjay@tattoodjay/victory-park-the-poor-farm@jasonmunapaseePhotography Lovers
@el-panal@el-panal/el-panal-presentacion-de-autores-destacados-dia07082024@jasonmunapaseeLa Colmena
@yetaras@yetaras/zbirayu-malinu@jasonmunapaseeTeam Ukraine
@stewie.wieno@stewie.wieno/splinterlands-new-reward-cards-le-nuove-carte-ricompensa-di-splinterlands-engita-cxh@jasonmunapaseeOlio di Balena
@srey-yuu@srey-yuu/insane-south-korean-toxic-beauty-standarda-documentary-review@jasonmunapaseeASEAN HIVE COMMUNITY
@melinda010100@melinda010100/shadow-hunters-smash-contest-round-cf6b440764c29@jasonmunapaseeShadow Hunters
@dawnoner@dawnoner/an-afternoon-with-morgan--another-pole-dance-session-part-5-infrared-photography-on-hive@dimascastillo90Visual Shots
@nitsuga12@nitsuga12/laughter-nostalgia-and-strategy-my-return-to-age-of-empires-ii-eng-esp@dimascastillo90Hive Gaming
@cmplxty@cmplxty/people-are-gross@dimascastillo90Rant, Complain, Talk
@lolodens@lolodens/the-intense-battle-for-bro-bang-ranking-from-rank-2-down-to-rank-4@suteruCryptoCompany CEO
@wiseagent@wiseagent/a-not-very-friendly-relationship-gdf@gwajnbergEmotions & Feelings
@elderdark@elderdark/enpt-new-abilities-coming-to-splinterlands-bpy@gwajnbergHive Gaming
@mballesteros@mballesteros/fufy-in-black-and-white-him@equipodeltaBlack And White
@nainaztengra@nainaztengra/phone-photography-contest-20-witnessing@bhattgFeel Good
@libertycrypto27@libertycrypto27/change-in-the-voucher-system-my-game-activity-and-progress-on-splinterlands-engita-5zw@bhattgOlio di Balena

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