2024-05-09 - Daily Updates from sagarkothari88


Hello Hive Community Members,

Welcome to daily updates from @sagarkothari88 - a Hive Witness & mobile-app-developer. I daily invest my time with my skillset in #Hive & I daily hive-power-up.

Actively contributing to following projects on Hive

Updates on Distrion App


  • We've re-imagined the whole experience.
  • We want to reward users for their HBD spend.
  • So, payment feature isn't the core feature.
  • Payment is already developed by @keychain, @ecency & @v4v.app
  • So, we completly redesigned the user-experience by stripping of the payment feature.
  • I guess @starkerz showed this app to @alex-rourke / @detlev as well & we received positive vibes.
  • Users within team (@adesojisouljay & @eddiespino) tested this app & shared their feedback.
  • Here is how it looks - the new App

  • After giving this out to users, we started receiving lot of feedback.

Short summary of the feedback received

  • We don't hide claimed rewards but we show button as disabled button with text "Claimed"
  • We don't hide older transfer but we show button as disabled button with text "Expired"
  • Title = Business, Subtitle = Invoice ID, Date Time, third line = memo
  • Leading = business avatar
  • Trailing = Transfer Amount, Button
  • We don't hide other transfers but we show button as disabled with text "N/A" (not applicable)
  • In business list, we add search feature so that we can search for a business
  • We need to show a business on a map.
  • We need to add max limit of reward per business e.g. 20 HBD per business per day.

Current work in progress UX

  • Right after getting the feedback, we started working on it at highest priority.
  • We have addressed many of the items.
  • Instead of shipping things in small small chunks, we plan to ship all improvements & feedback items at one go.
  • Here is the preview of the work done so far.


Hive Power up gift Report

  • I support several contests hosted by different communities.
  • I reward them with Hive-Power-up for the contribution that they have made on communities on Hive.
  • Today we didn't transfer hive power to any account but whenever there is announcement for winners, @hivecurators distributes Hive from @sagarkothari88's wallet.

Updates on Distrion App - Backend

  • I added these 2 businesses - @papadudes & @acquabar
  • There is a logical issue in rewarding users till a week.
  • I am working on logic-improvement for rewarding users till a week & start again.
  • There is also a requirement to set maximum limit on a business per day so that no one misuses it & exploit it.
  • I'm working on such enhancements on the api.hive-distrion.app
  • Everything we do is open source & any one can take a look it & also contribute here
  • https://github.com/spknetwork/distrion-backend

Resources I dedicate for Hive Eco-System

  • On top of investing daily on an average about 100 HP, I also heavily invest & contribute by allocating resources for Hive.

  • VSC node is down unfortunately. About this I had a detailed call with @geo52rey but we couldn't solve this issue. I'm going to try running VSC node on a different system.

  • While setting up the VSC node on a different system, I had to turn off DUAT, DLUX & SPKCC nodes.

  • Over the weekends, I'll fix issues & bring back all of these nodes - VSC, DUAT, DLUX, DUAT.

Resource NameResource DescriptionApprox Cost of Resource
Hive WitnessHive Witness Node$50
DluxRunning Dlux Witness Node$5
LarynxRunning a LARYNX node$5
DuatRunning a DUAT node$5
VSCRunning a VSC witness node$5
Discord BotHive Curators Discord Bot Node$5
HP RewardsHive Curators HP reward Bot Node$5
12 NodesPowerful video encoder nodes for 3Speak $20 on average$240
Bandwidth3 internet connections$50
DistrionHive-Distrion Backend node$5
Community ContributorsRewarding community contributors in INR$60
Additional DeveloperAdditional Contributing Developer$1000

Curation Report for 2024-05-09


  • If you don't like tagging you under curation report, let me know in comment section & I'll exclude you from the curation report.
  • If you think that I should not attach curation report in the post, let me know in the comment section.

We've curated total 41 & motivated content creators for their contributions on Hive.


What do you think?

  • What do you love the most out of these activities I do?
  • Please let me know in the comment section.

Who am I?

Support me

  • Please upvote my content to motivate me
  • Please Reblog
  • Please vote me as Hive Witness

Support @sagarkothari88

Vote sagarkothari88 as Hive Witness

Support @threespeak

Vote for 3Speak as Witness

Don't forget to swap your HBD/Hive using @ecency

Don't forget to pay using HBD/Hive


Images by @noakmilo


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