Aweekend at the beach! Normandy France!

Hello Hivians!

If you live in the Netherlands and you really want to go out for a weekend, an easy place to go to, is Normandy Franc!

It's a totally different world out there in comparison to the Netherlands and still it's just a 7 hour drive! Witch is doable if you are with two persons! I travel alone and even I was there in a day!

This was one of my first resting spots! Some were in France! I really don't remember any more where! I like to use the park for night app! There you can find the best and quiets places to park and have a nice lunch!



I often just take a rest at a highway parking! that's more conveniënt than going of the highway and look for a quiet place like this! But during a long trip, I really need the rest more! I drive n old van, sometimes it's hard work in there!


And I am here 😍
My van is pretty small, a big advantage of that is that I can go on a lot of parking lots along the beaches in France! Most of these places have a height restriction of 2 meters! And that's why I can go places like this! And because I am traveling of season, most of the times, nobody is there!


Thank you for reading my post! And if you want to see all the places I have ever been to, just click on my Pinmapple profile!

And if you want to follow my daily life, I often post stories and pictures off all the tings I do in life on my Instagram account!

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