👍 @sagarkothari88's curation report for 2022-09-30 👍

🔖 @sagarkothari88 upvoted these posts on 2022-09-30 🔖 to motivate authors

  • I've decided to upvote posts of following users.
  • Don't forget to motivate below mentioned users by clicking the links provided.
  • Each of them would have received an upvote from me.
  • Don't forget to click those links & check out those posts.


The best from the list is from @preeti post

If you think anyone deserves to be on the list then follow the rules:

  1. Share a link (only those who are not getting support)
  2. The post should have at least 100 words.
  3. The post should be less than 24 hours.
  4. Don't repeat the same user daily.
  5. Don't spam with links.
  6. Only one post a day.
  7. Just comment with a link and a line about why you want to give a vote to this post :blush:

Who am I?

  • I am @sagarkothari88
  • Software engineer by profession
  • I am helping others to grow on different platforms
  • I am also contributing to different decentralized social media platforms


  • To motivate more PEOPLE to join decentralized social media
  • Help people to move away from centralized social media.
  • Contribute to different decentralized social media platforms


  • I encourage those who are on decentralized social media.
  • I reward daily to different community members


  • I upvote content from different decentralized social media platforms
  • By doing this, I (@sagarkothari88) encourage content writers.
  • I also contribute to different decentralized social media platforms with my skillset

Who am I?

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