Small updates clump together

New job on monday. Just said goodbye to all of my collegues. I will be missing them! The old job wasn't good or bad, but the people were amazing and thats is going to be the biggest change for me.
My new job will be my store manager and me as the assistent and thats all. All day.

Hopefully it will allow me to come up with ideas to write more for hive, maybe not the first month, since thats the practice month and I just gotta learn all the things.


The new job pays more. Not much, just a tat. But thats more money for investment. Also, all of the stores here in Denmark is getting a bonus monthly, so thats pretty sick!
Upwards to $1k usd a month after taxes,

The last 2 months have been fairly hard financially. But I manage.
This month is going to be interesting. To see how I fare. Should be able to keep it going ^^

But next month is going to be sick.

Paycheck from the new job (without a bonus) + half a month pay for my old job + something called "Fritvalgskonto" (a danish thing) and then in the end I will get my vacation money out ^^
So that will be insane. Properly paying off most of my student debt ^^

Reducing caffeine is going good. I feel more natural tired and sleep in generel better every night or I have less and less sleepless nights than before ^^

I have started to play Shatterline and I will properly start to upload some videoes to Hive since its quite sick and I am good ;)

I am having trouble getting into artwork x)
Since I don't have any mental energy after work, so hopefully the new job a fix that.

Also, gonna start going to the gym in morning to get a good start of the day :D

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