Well My Friends, It’s Been a Full Year on Hive!

It must have been something pretty close to 26 November, 2021. Back then I was posting fluting videos on Reddit, and was looking for a new place to host my videos. @quochuy was a friend to me though the original QuenaSabor, on Reddit, and suggested @threespeak to host my videos - it was not long after that I decided to migrate my online life to @hive.

Over the first few months I made a lot of typical rookie mistakes, like voting for my own posts, posting low quality content like photo only posts (as they often do on Reddit), and posting too frequently…we all have to learn the ropes, and I was no exception - but learning how to grow and thrive on the #hive blockchain has honestly been very fun and rewarding.


I’ve been lucky to make some really cool friends on #hive, who have had an actual impact on my life in some way or another.

@quochuy brought me here and showed me the ropes, encouraged my better work and improvement, and inspired me with his own musical content and craftsmanship.
@cmplxty has been like the friend you first meet at a new school. He’s a cool dude who tends to post things I like and is supportive and engaging. Actually, it was only because @cmplxty told me I was approaching my one year that I thought to make this post!
@cahlen actually was the winner and only participant in my very first attempt at a contest, but has stuck around and been a supportive party along the way. His videos are super cool, I often find myself a bit jealous of the adventurous path he treads.
@driptorchpress is another friend and role model. His content spans a wide variety of artistic media, from glow in the dark plastic survival blades, to story/screenplay series, art and music - this guy is a creative powerhouse, and has been a really nice person over the course of the last year.
@mipiano helped me out with formatting I think, in the very early days, for how to do an indented quote! Here’s this super bigtime content creator, who takes the time to explain something to me that I probably should have been able to search online (although I still don’t know what to call the language or whatever…is it markup?) Afterwards she was very engaging for quite some time, and came to feel for me like a real friend on the chain. Her musical content and inspiring perspectives are both worth checking out, and I learn a lot from doing so myself. There are more of you, and I appreciate you all. I apologize if you’re not on this list but should be, as I’m sure there are at least a few. Any omissions were unintentional.
@acidyo is another one I think has a lot going on but has taken personal time to be kind, helpful or supportive, on more occasions than just one. @acidyo actually was posting help and answering my @hive and @ecency questions via Reddit, and has commented and supported some of my posts along the way as well. I know less about @acidyo personally, but this is definitely someone on the chain who is doing a lot to help our environment grow, and I appreciate that.
@oldsoulnewb is another cool person I met on #Hive who’s been around since before I got here, but still stays active and encourages new users to fight their way over the hump. I honestly think the only reason I’m still here is because of friends like these, who made it fun to keep posting and engaging, even when my posts were below payout. The key I learned? Do it because you like it, not because you’re trying to scrape up cash - they’re are tons of cool people here and you’ll certainly gain something from sharing back and forth with them.
@lanmower was an unexpected friend, who helped me find my way around @hive a little better, and was pretty cool from some chats we had in Discord. Haven’t spoken in a while, but this was someone I met over the past year who definitely had an impact.
@wannabescrapper is a super rad dude who’s posting really interesting content on scrapping - which is not only interesting and cool, but also I believe a really valuable service to our mother planet as well. In addition to producing rad content, @wannabescrapper has been one of the leading participants in my contests and discussions over the last year, and I’m really grateful for that. We seem to have an uncanny amount of liked music in common, which is also cool :)

Anytime someone asks me about the money side of #hive, I like to point them instead toward the rich and engaging community that’s made me feel so welcomed. I often use the example that I used to do the same thing on Reddit for free, and that coming to #hive not only started my getting paid to do the same thing I was already doing, but also led me to a much deeper and stronger community.


Not long after my initial introductory post, I felt inclined to create a more in-depth record of myself here on the blockchain. I wanted to back up my work, opinions, ideas and content at large with as much of my own real person as was reasonably achievable.


During this past year I’ve also learned a lot from creating my own communities.
Most of them are fairly low volume, but they’re there when I need to post specific content. The hottest of them all, in my opinion, is QuenaSabor, and even within that arena I’ve learned a lot more about what kind of content really seems to drive the larger #hive community - which in my experience has been the fun stuff that engages people.

For myself and for the QuenaSabor community, that means the Name That Tune contest. I was very excited to see how much the #hive community comes alive for fun engagement initiatives…the only thing better I think, is the kind of work being done by amazing Hivers like @mcsamm (ref*) and @eddwood (ref*).

*Links are to posts of theirs, referencing the kind of content I’m talking about. These are not the only two out there, but these are two I feel make it a consistent goal to utilize #hive in ways to make the world a better place in meaningful ways.


The Name That Tune contest has been a very rewarding experience - not just in that it’s been the most successful in terms of author rewards, but really because it has enriched my #hive experience. I’ve made many friends through the engagement generated by the contest, such as @davidke20, @wannabescrapper & @zeraton (to name just a few) - which I consider more valuable than author rewards. (Happy birth month by the way, @zeraton)

Perhaps for me, the biggest accomplishment in terms of content had been the creation and upkeep of The Albus Index.


This is always mentioned in my signature so I’ll skip the basic description, but I’m glad I started it fairly early on because it was much harder to build out retroactively than it has been to maintain.

In addition to these larger scale items, in case you missed it, here is a list of many of the other things that I did here on #hive this year:

…and of course there was more, but man, what a year!


In the beginning, I had some really profitabl posts - in the neighborhood of $30-$70 - and immediately was amazed to think that everything I posted would bring it this kind of payout! Of course, one of my earliest lessons was learning that this is not likely to be the case over the long haul.

Looking back, I can see that most of the posts hit the numbers they did thanks to a few individuals and groups, likely supporting the encouragement of new users.


…so while the generous votes of a few, such as @ocdb, @quochuy, and @acidyo definitely got me excited about the possibilities, I still had to learn the lesson we all learn in the beginning, which is that it takes time to build up to really seeing author rewards on a regular basis. The truth is, for at least the first 6-9 months, my typical posts didn’t accrue enough value to even reach payout.

But, if this reaches any new users who are going through this period right now, I would say it’s worth it to just keep going. My posts after a full year of posting, engaging, and even investing my own money in #hive, now tend to make about $0.80 on average. I know that’s not much, but it’s also not nothing…it’s proof that we can grow on the platform, which I think has been a topic of question over the time I’ve spent scrolling my @ecency feed.

Anyway, I guess that’s pretty much it!

To all the friends I’ve made who weren’t specifically tagged here, I appreciate you! I just wanted to take a moment to review and celebrate my first year in #hive. Here’s looking forward to another fun year!

Thanks for checking out some more of my work! As always, I hope you enjoyed witnessing as much as I enjoyed creating!

© Photos and words by @albuslucimus, except where otherwise indicated.


If you enjoy my content, check out the Albus Index!

Here you’ll find links to various post-groupings, so you can find all posts related to a specific topic quickly. Topics include lists of brewing recipes, flutes, crypto talks, rucking posts and an index of all acoustic covers. The lists are updated as new content is added, so they can always be used to quickly navigate my content.



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