Butter me up - Contest #95

How did your Mom pacify you when you were little?

My mother used to take me aside and give me a special treat; having a sweet tooth, anything sweet would calm me down in no time.

Mom however was super health-conscious, so her idea of a sweet treat would be home-baked goods like bran muffins or nutty date & carrot cake, delicious enough to stop the tears and turn tearful me into a smiling gal, as I love dates and anything nutty as well!

One of my favourites is a layered tart oozing with caramel, shaved peppermint-crisp chocolate, toasted nuts, and whipped cream that would act like a fairy wand as all would be forgotten and forgiven in a flash!



By now I've given you some clues as to what this week's questions are for the Ladies of Hive Community Contest #95...

1️⃣ We all have a different boiling point, some of us are easily angered, others are really cool-tempered. Kindly share one thing that makes you angry, how long do you stay mad, and what or who can pacify you.


2️⃣ What is your favorite snack or snacks? Share photos of them if you can.

I will try to answer both questions.

I am not easily angered, usually am the peacemaker, and always try to see things from the other person's perspective.
However, there are some things that do push my blood pressure up, and if I have to single one thing out, it would be any unjust act like taking advantage of people.
I will fight to the bitter end to put things straight, but when people try to pull the wool over one's eyes especially when they see the hair has turned a whiter shade of pale, or shall I call a spade a spade...silver-grey...I get really angry!

Once the problem has been resolved with the other party, I calm down and forgive very easily.
I have to laugh at myself, as I always say I will never forgive the person/s that have made me angry, but I always do when they explain their side of the story, and why they acted in the way they did!

Life is too short to bear grudges, so my stance is, to sort the problem out and move on!

I've shown you some of my favourite sweet snacks, but I also enjoy savoury snacks for cocktail hour after a disturbing day - Crispy Bacon & Cheese Straws, Nuts, Biltong (meat that's been marinated in vinegar, salt, pepper, coriander, brown sugar and spices and then air-cured), and Dry Wors (air-cured sausage), both South African favourites.



I think that answers those two questions but yes, sweet treats to calm the waters, and snacks like these are my absolute favourites!

Buttering me up with snacks like these will leave me as cool as a cucumber!

I would like to invite my friend @artywink to join the Ladies of Hive.

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