Shadow Boxing With Resistance Bands

Back with another workout tip. Shadow Boxing with resistance bands is great cardio and helps with firing up those fast twitch muscles. It also helps you to focus on keeping your guard up. The resistance of the bands constantly pull down on your arms, forcing you to consciously keep them up.

Unlike weights that weigh your arms down vertically, and forces you to constantly hold a grip, using the bands, you can flow freely from open hand parrying and blocking to closed fist punching. The bands resist your punches seamlessly against the direction you are punching, constantly making you work in any direction.

I also have bands on my legs which helps me to speed up my footwork, and gives the Hip Flexors and Gluetus Medius a real burn.

Mid shadow boxing you can do resistance burpees for add fun and cardio.

Overall this is a fun exercise. Try, this out when you get the chance. I'm going to incorporate it more often.

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