A Little Farewell at Kajan Eatery


One thing I love about being in another place is the connections I made. In Bali though I spent about a month and a few days, I met some people who were pleasant to talk to. It was also good decision that I joined a co-working space that was also helping me become more open and bring out my tiny bit of an extroverted side. From that co-working space, I met some people and one of them told me about kajan eatery, a new semi cafe and co-working place. The place is really nice and if you are lucky, you can see the mountain like I did. The menu in this place is a fusion between western and balinese menu.However that day, I just ordered polenta fries and also sourdough with scrambled egg. It was my first time eating fried polenta and I was actually surprised by the taste. It was savory and had a really smooth corn taste. I really love how the inside melts and is crunchy when I bite it. That place was a little farewell with some friends I made and was a nice little-hangout because the place is closed at 5PM. The place was also empty that day and I think not many people even know about this place which is actually located just on the way to la brisa. It’s hands down, one of my favorite eating places that I regretted discovering very late. Maybe the next time I am back, I have to visit this place more often because I wanted to try more of their food. All in all, everything about the place from the atmosphere to the food was really worth trying and worth a second visit. It’s also one of the places that I want to keep hidden but also want to show to the world!

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