Finishing the flatbread trilogy of recipes


More flatbread fun. This time I'm shraing my technique and recipe for making naan without a tandoor.

Flatbread Trilogy

I didn't set out to start a trilogy of flatbread recipes. As I started to think about what to make this weekend I realized I had already completed part one and the sequel, why not put a book end on it and make it a trilogy?

With that in mind I decided it was time for an Indian feast and a post about the naan that went with it. I don't have a tandoor, which is the traditional method for cooking naan, but I use a grill that does a suitable job of replicating the high heat of a tandoor. A hot cast iron pan is another option.

Traditional naan is made with milk, ghee, yogurt and or egg. My version is plant based for those wishing to skip the dairy.



Ground flax meal1 Tablespoon
Warm water3 Tablespoons
Bread flour4 cups
Salt2 teaspoons
Coconut oil2 Tablespoons
Baking soda1/2 teaspoon
Instant dry yeast2 1/4 teaspoons
Non Dairy Milk (I use oat milk)3 Tablespoons
Hot Water (~105°F)1 cup
Coconut oil, non-dairy butter or olive oil1/4 cup
Minced garlic2 teaspoons
Salt1/4 teaspoon
Ground black pepper1/4 teaspoon

Notes before preparing:

*️⃣ I prefer bread flour for the higher protein count but all purpose will work as well. I'm lucky enough to live within a few miles of the Bob's Red Mill Headquarters and prefer their Artisan Bread Flour, but again, go with what you got.

*️⃣ Dry active yeast can be used in the same amount as the instant yeast, but it must first be bloomed in the hot water before adding to the dry ingredients.

*️⃣ To gauge the temperature of the water you can use a thermometer, but I typically allow the tap to get hot and wait for it to feel about hot tub temperature. Big caution, too hot can kill the yeast so error on the side of too cool.

*️⃣ I prefer to use a stand mixer to make the dough, but it can easily be kneaded by hand.


1️⃣ Combine the flax and first 3 Tbls of water and allow to sit for at least five minutes.

2️⃣ Combine the flour, salt, coconut oil, baking soda and yeast in a stand mixer bowl and stir with the dough hook attachment. Alternatively this can be mixed and kneaded by hand.

3️⃣ Add the flax mixture, milk and hot water to the flour mixture and allow the dough to knead for 2-5 minutes at medium speed until the dough is smooth.

4️⃣ Allow the dough to proof in a warm spot, covered with a kitchen towel, until doubled in size. This process can take 1-2 hours. My new oven has a proof setting. On colder days, before I was fortunate enough to have this setting, I would turn the oven on low for 5-10 minutes as a make shift proof box.

Before Proofing
After Proofing

5️⃣ Remove the dough from the bowl and using a sharp knife, or bench scrapper, divide the dough into six to ten equal portions depending on what size naan you desire. Shape each portion into smooth balls and place onto a lightly floured sheet pan. Cover with the kitchen towel, or plastic wrap, and allow to rest for 30-60 minutes until again doubled in size. If preparing ahead, place the covered dough into a refrigerator and remove 30-60 minutes before ready to proceed to the next step.

6️⃣ Roll or hand stretch the dough to about 1/8" thick.

7️⃣ Combine the oil or butter substitute with the garlic, salt and pepper. Place the rolled out dough onto a hot grill and brush with the oil mixture. It helps to have a brush for this step, but you can use your finger as well. When the dough begins to bubble flip the dough and again brush with the seasoned oil.



I cut the naan into triangles and served with roasted cauliflower and potatoes, chana masala and basmati rice.


Some of my other recipes

🍕 Grilled Pizza - Check out my method for making pizza on the grill and where the flat bread trilogy began

🥙 Pita – Part two of the flatbread trilogy

🍣 Kombu Dashi - Making kombu dashi for a vegetarian tempura dipping sauce

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