I'll be taking a Break / Internet Detox - Time to recharge my batteries and Level Up

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The picture above this post says it all. I'm not sure where I'm at, but I like to think that it's somewhere in between picture 2 and 3 ( yellow and green ).

Leveling up from Hypersensitivosaurus to SuperZENsitivosaurus has been my aim for quite a while. I tend to fall back to the former again and again though.

The last month I have been dealing with a cold that doesn't seem to go away. No, it's not the thing. I have been dealing with respiratory issues since I'm a baby and believe me this has happened to me over and over again.

The difference between the me from the past and the current me is that, these days, I pick up on the signals that my body is giving me and actually try to listen and make some changes.

So, finally after not being able to get rid off this cold, no matter what I tried, I decided that I will take a one week break from Hive, Discord and crypto trading, farming and all that jazz, starting tomorrow. I'll also take a break from Twitter ( a platform I recently returned to, after a multiple year break and that I seriously consider to stop using ( again ) soon ) and the internet in general, as well as from the news.

In these 7 days, I plan to sparingly use Whatsapp and Telegram, to stay in touch with friends and family. Although it's tempting to actually just go for old fashioned phone calls instead.


I will be spending the weekend at my twin sister and brother-in-law's land, in a little tent and will walk there tomorrow. It's a one hour 15 minute walk that I've gone on a handful of times in the last couple of months.

More on that, and other things that are planned for the weekend, can be found in yesterday's write up An Update on My Housing Situation.

That post will also explain, somewhat, why I'm tired. Not that I feel I need to defend myself. In all honesty, I'm sure most of you can relate to this, "The Thing" that changed the world and the way it divides people ( literally and figuratively ), even in my own family, is taking its toll too.


Anyhow, suffice to say that a break is needed. I plan to spend a lot of time in the now.

What most of you probably don't know, is that I'm also doing some serious leveling up ( containing a 15 minute conscious breathing session twice a day ), partaking in what is called "The Presence Process". I started on that journey 11 days ago, after reading a blog post by @atma.love

It's a 10 week process that is advised to be repeated thrice ( with three weeks in between. I guess that this process is impacting me too ( which is a good thing ) and hopefully, in the long run, I will be able to reap the rewards of it. For now it's pretty challenging to say the least.

More info on the Presence Process can be found in this previous post of mine

Anyhow, I'm looking forward to this one week break. It's much needed. I don't remember having taken such a serious/ extended internet break since I started using a smartphone in 2014 / 15, not even when I stayed on the Canary Islands.

Much love,

Little Hyper aka Hypersensitivosaurs, working its way toward SuperZENsitivosaurus. Sometimes known as Vincent Nijman

P.S. I don't plan to take a one week break from writing my novel but I'll take the weekend off. My laptop won't be carried to my twin sister's land. The 5 days or so that remain, will be filled with a lot of uninterrupted writing and I'm already looking forward to that!

I still plan to release Hypersensitivosaurus and Cold Turkey, my first too be published book on my mom's birthday, April the 21st.

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