Proudly Presenting my buddy's first book release plus some info on my upcoming book


It's pretty awesome to see the first book of one of your very best friends appear on your kindle, even even more if the cover art that you designed shows up in low res black and white ( looking blue on my laptop's screen )

a colored version, in all its awesomeness, plus an amazing post with some behind-the-writing, art and promotion, by selfhelp4trolls, can be found here

In fact, all of the excitement that surrounded the release of @selfhelp4trolls first book, perforated my creative harness in the best way possible and touched my heart. The energy is addictive and made me decide, today, to set a release date for my own first book, Hypersensitivosaurus and Cold Turkey namely:

My mom's upcoming Birthday: April 21st.

My mom is excited about it.

Now I think of it, I used to make little books with drawings - quite often - as a kid but this would be my very first actual publishing ( not counting my blog ) and it takes place in the digital era. FYI: I'm hitting "40" in October, so my mom has had to wait quite some time.

Let's say that going to Uni to study film, struggling as an independent filmmaker and trying to find a job for about a decade after graduating Uni was pretty distracting ( and depressing ), to say the least

So why did I pick my mom's bday as a release date?

It just came to me, as it's in a little over a month and will give me the right amount of pressure and, more importantly, I thought it would make her happy.

And then I realized that my dad always gifts my mom a bundle of self published poems on her birthday ( a habit he has practiced for over 30 years now ). I even remember illustrating some of his work, back in the early to mid 90s ( I believe it was in MS Paint, when MS Paint was still cool ).

So, now I think of it, I already illustrated loads of books in the past. I just never did illustrations for someone else.

One thing has never changed, I still use MS Paint ( when I work digitally ) and am not ashamed to admit this. And that's actually one of the reasons why the dude formerly known as @whatamidoing picked me to make the cover art for his first book.

He literally told me this haha!

I made a draft2digital account, today, and added some details. The cover art that I posted below is just temporary and recycles some of my recent art:

paint cover art.png

Anyhow, this wasn't supposed to be a write up about me. I merely wanted to promote @selfhelp4trolls first book. It's titled 1.1 because there will be four more in this series.

I highly recommend you to get your hands on Confessions of the Damaged. It's a steal at the current price of $ 3.82 and written in a unique, observatory ( can I use this word in this way ) style, that only a sensitive soul with a vivid imagination and a lot empathy and love for fellow human beings can come up with.

What are you waiting for, GO GRAB A COPY OF IT HERE:

And If you struggle to buy it, reach out to @selfhelp4trolls for questions. I'm also willing to send some Hive to help you out with it.

Oh and let me finish this off with the following suggestion:

You might like to read @selfhelp4trolls recent blog post How Far Can You Come in a Year? where he talks about leveling up, mentions his writing and so much more...

More info on my upcoming book, in case you missed it, can be found in Cold Turkey on the Rocks - Shaken not Stirred

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