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Lotus Love Sunday Editorial - Learning, feeding and distraction.


Hi guys, I'm Johnny (@pavanjr) and today I bring you another edition of Lotus Love. As you all know, the week was filled with many publications for the community mental health initiative and the integration of the new HiveBuzz badge. And if you haven't participated yet, don't worry, there's a chance until October 31st.

We are in the 10th month of the Gregorian calendar, so we are almost at the end of this complicated year. But despite the complications, this was no reason to stop working in our homes and take advantage of our free time to improve as a person. That is why today I want to present and recommend these articles of recipes, exercises and recommendations that these wonderful people leave us.

Let's get started.

Sanathana Sai Sanjeevini is a spiritual healing system based on prayer, it is perfect for awakening that healing power that every human being possesses. But to explain it better, our dear friend @indigoocean will not explain it better in her article.

Besides that he tells us his personal experience with the Sanathana Sai Sanjeevini and I would like to recommend that you go read and leave him a comment, is useful for healing and for curing ailments of any kind. It is an ancient practice that passes from generation to generation. If you have doubts and would like to learn more about this practice, you can consult her in her article

Radiesthesia and Sanjeevini Healing

It is incredible the power that Aloe Vera has, I know that many know of the things that can be done with this wonderful medicinal plant. In addition to natural medicine, it can also serve as a mosquito repellent, did you know that? Well, @amy-goodrich explains in his article how to make a totally natural repellent with Aloe Vera

I didn't know it, but as they say, every day you learn something new and today I learned thanks to this wonderful girl. Please visit your article, it will be very useful for you.


There are many types of pumpkins, but one of the best places where they abound is in Austria, where our friend @mers lives. A small market where there are numerous species of pumpkins, I am very attracted to the photographs he took of them and also tells us about his anecdote in that market. I, personally, hope to see more about the recipes that @mers prepares, I am very curious about these things.

A Truckload Of Squash

What if we take advantage of our free time for the distraction and care of our home? A cleaning system is necessary if we live in rural areas, the animals leave a lot of waste and it is our task to clean up. We also avoid illness and keep our minds busy. @homestead-guru is an expert in these things, in her publication you can find more information about it. He explain the benefits and how to do it. Visit his article, I'm sure it will be very helpful

3 Summer Maintenance Tips for Your Homestead

I love to learn, any kind of discipline is welcome for me. I was watching the publication of @perkysleen and the truth is very good to learn about the legendary discipline of KARATE. It is better when it comes from a professional, our friend is a Karate instructor and teaches us how to do a kick, it looks easy, but it is not, I have already tried hahaha. It's just a matter of practice and a lot of concentration.

¿Cómo hacer una patada de Karate? Paso a paso || How to do a karate kick? Step by Step

To continue with the best publications of the week, I leave the complete list for you to visit and comment on the featured authors. Don't forget that the support is mutual.