A Truckload Of Squash !!!


The Marchfeld Center - Lower Austria

Located a couple of kilometers from home, we go to this center for food shopping. It´s great to go here, seems like the pace isn´t so hectic unlike in the Malls. We have every shop that caters to the needs of the consumers...you know, resto, pharmacy, supermarkets, clothing, gas station and even a drive-in cannabis grow shop that sells plant clones and CBD oil. In Austria, recreational cannabis is still illegal but the grow and headshops are tolerated for as long as the plant won´t produce buds. Grow shops is a huge industry that brings taxes to the government.


It´s Fall Season....

... and we´ve got to switch to Winter Time tonight, which means move the clock backward by 1 hour and we´ll be able to sleep longer. Fall has taken over and the squash and pumpkins are already being offered by the farmers these days. We went shopping for food and I saw this stand along the road, a truckload of various types of squash, and I had to stop-by and see what the farmer offered.


Different Varieties....

I went to investigate what the peculiar types are and the farmer said that all are not just for Fall decoration but are also edible.


It has been amazing how the farmer was able to have gathered so many varieties. I should think that this was a coop of many farmers around the vicinity since Lower Austria has huge farming lands to cultivate.



I looked for my fave Hokkaido squash and I got one to use for a vegan soup. I also got some garlic and went on to pay the farmer. Gee, he was expensive... I paid 5 Euros (5.93 USD) for both. If I would have bought these in the supermarket, I would have paid less.... But I understood, the farmers have their prices. So I paid him and asked whether I could take pictures and he said yes!


I will be preparing the Hokkaido Squash for a vegan soup tomorrow and I am sure it will be delish as always. Watch out for my recipe, I hope you will try it too.



Halloween is fast approaching, got your pumpkin already for the event?


That´s it for now, I will be posting the recipe tomorrow for the Squash Soup. Meanwhile, I hope all of you are keeping yourselves safe at this time of the pandemic.


Take care and keep safe everyone!

GIF by Gremayo.gif
GIF by @gremayo

All images are property of the author @mers.
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