Artemis Shares: Yoga in the Hive!

It is just wonderful to be able to take TIME each day to connect deeply with ourselves - in meditation, in dance, in song, through art, in the deep rhythms of running and ON THE YOGA MAT.

Not everyone enjoys group classes and sticking with the same teacher doesn't always lead to growth. So @artemisshares decided to check out some of the #yoga content on #Hive and #3speak.

Each of today's featured content creators is a 15% beneficiary of this post - a small way to say thank you for great content, as an encouragement and as a gesture to help them find new followers and support. So please - upvote, reblog, comment and tip with great abandon.

If you have your own original yoga content, videos or posts to share, Natural Medicine Community @hive-120078 welcomes you, as do the Yoga Community @hive-135484 and the Exhaust Fitness Community @hive-176853. Crossposting? Now THAT makes sense too!

Stretch. And hold. And breathe.


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Day 5 - 7 Day Yoga Challenge (Yoga for Strength)
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Yoga for Strength - a smooth, flowing yoga practice sequence for a fit, strong, healthy body and a resilient mind. Roll out your yoga mat and join in. Watch here...

AcroYoga at the Park
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Ever tried acro yoga? It is the ultimate in strength work, team building and trust. What did we love about this #3speak video? We got to see up close and personal, from a unique point of view, how the hands thing works. Are you ready to try? It looks like loads of fun! Watch more here...

Yoga vs Fitness! Benefits & negative sides from each...
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Fitness vs yoga? Or fitness AND yoga? Or yoga IS fitness? Or fitness NEEDS yoga? Listen to the thoughts and teaching of a credentialed yoga teacher from Rishikesh, about the benefits and negatives of each. Watch here...

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@artemisshares is a simple, private curation project run by @artemislives. The goal? To increase exposure and rewards for great content that doesn't always get the recognition it deserves. Today it might be 3 healthful posts, tomorrow it might be 3 posts about freedom, red cars, crypto or dogs. As the mood takes me.

Each post featured here is a post beneficiary and the remainder used to build a juicier upvote. Because I believe in encouragement and at the end of a curating session, there are ALWAYS a few posts I'd like to do more for.


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